Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/264

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1870 EXTRADITION TREATY-GERMANY. JULY 12,1930. proofs hereinbefore prescribed be made as aforesaid by the diJj~~ matic agent of the deman . government or, in his absence, by a consular officer thereof. How- ever, each government agrees that, upon the request of the other government, it will address to the competent authorities an application for the extension of the time thus limited so as to allow an additional month for the purposes indicated and nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to prevent the granting of such an application. ARTICLE XI erfud)e:n mit ben \)erttag~miifiig \)orge- fd)rlebenen Untetlagen \)on bem bilJlo- matifd)en mertteter bet etfud)enben megierung ober, menn ein fold)er nid)t bor~anben ift, \)on einem Ronfularbe.. amten biefet megierung angebrad)t morben ift. 3ebe megierung etflltrt fid) inbeffen bereit, aUf \&fud)en bet anberen megierung an bie auftltnbige SBe~orbt ben ~ntrag au rldjten, bie ~rlft fitt ben angegebenen .8med um einen meiteten IDlonat au \)erIltngern; bie SBeftimmungen bief~ ~rtifel~ bUr" fen nidjt ba~in au~gelegt metben, ban bie @ene~migung eine~ foIdjen ~ntrag~ uttAuIltffig mitre. . ~rtireI XI . EI~lJ!I6oftl!lnsport. The expense of transportation mgfugltive. of the fugitive shall be borne by the government which has :pre- IDie stoften fUt bie ftbetfU~rung b~ merfolgten merben \)on bet .megierung getrogen, bie ba~ ~u~Iieferung~erfud)en geftellt ~at. IDie aUftiinbigen SBeamten b~ 2anb~, in bem ba6 ~u~lieferung~.. \)etfa~ten ftattAufinben ~at, follen mit allen i~nen Aut merfitgung fte~enben gefe~lid)en ID1itteln ben SBeamten ber erfudjenben megierung SBeiftanb \)ot ben midjtem unb SBeamten gemlt~ren. IDle megiernng, It)eld)e bie ~u~lieferung be- ge~t ~at, ift aum stoftenerfa~enut fiit bie metlJflegung unb Untetfunft be6 mer.. foIgten, bie bot bet ~u6lieferung burd) bie ~eftna~me, ~eft~altu~.Il, ba6 13ttt.. fung6\)etfa~ren unb bie Ubetgabe b~ merfolgten entftanben finb, \)etlJflidjtet. 3nbeffen follen bie SBeamten bet au~.. liefetnben 9legierung, bie mitmitren, menn fie im aUgemeinen fiit i~te IDienftleiftungen ftatt anberet ~ntfdja­ bigung ober SB{'~"~lung feftfte~enbe @e.. bU~ren fiit bie geleW~ten IDienfte be.. rommen, beredjtigt fein, \)on ber urn ~u6lieferung erfudjenben megierung bie ttblidjen ®ebit~ren fiit t~re ~lttigleit ober bie geleifteten IDienfte in berfelben m!eife unb in berfelben ~obe au bean- ftlrudjen, mie fie fie fiit eine ~atigreit obet IDlenfte, bie fie in fonftigen ~ttaf\)erfa~ren nadj bem medjte be6 2anbe~, in bem fie SSeamte finb, et~alten. Legal assistance. Compensation. Ratification. ferred the demand for extraditIon. The appropriate legal officers of the country where the proceed- ings of extradition are had, shall assist the officers of the Govern- ment demanding the extradition befo~e the respective judges and magIStrates, by every legal means within their power; and no claim other than for the board and lodging of a. fu~tive prior to his surrender, arismg out of the arrest, detention, examination and surrender of fugitives under this treaty shall be made against the government demanding the extradition; provided, however, that any officer or officers of the surrendering government giving assistance, who shall, in the usual course of their duty, receive no salary or compensatIon other than specific fees for services per- formed, shall be entitled to re- ceive from the government de- manding the extradition the customary fees for the acts or services performed by them, in the same manner and to the same amount as though such acts or services had been performed in ordinary criminal proceedings un- der the laws of the country of which they are officers. ARTICLE XII ~ttirel XII The present treaty shall be IDlefet merttag foIl \)on ben \)etttag- ratified by the High Contracting fd)liefienben ~eilen gemdn ben fiit fie Parties in accordance with their geltenben \)erfaffung6redjtlid)en mor-