Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/303

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CO~-ryENTION-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. 1909 ARTICLE XXXVII Any contracting state mar denounce this convention at any time DeDUDCIatioD. by transmittinJ notification thereof to the Cuban Government, which shall communIcate it to the other states parties to this convention. Such denunciation shall not take e1fect until six months after noti- fication thereof to the Cuban Government, and shall take effect only with respect to the state making the denunciation. IN W1TNE88 WBltREOF, the above-named plenipotentiaries have SigDatunl. signed this convention and the seal of the Sixth International Confer- ence of American States has been hereto affixed. PerU: Jesus M. Salazar, Victor M. Matlrtua, Luis Ernesto Denegri, E. Castro Oyanguren. Uruguay: Varela, P~dro Erasmo Callorda. Panama: R. J . Alfaro, Eduardo Chiari. &'/.UldQr: Gonzalo Zaldumbide, Victor Zevallos, C. E . Alfaro. Mexico: Julio Garcia, Fernando Gonzalez Roa, Salvador Urbina, Aquiles Elorduy. Salvador: J. Gustavo Guerrero, Hector David Cggtro, Ed. Alvarez. Guatemala: Carlos Salazar, B. Alvarado, Luis Beltranena, J. Azurdia. J\?icara!fIUI: Carlos Cuadra Pazos, Maximo H. Zepeda, Joaquin G6mez. Bolitw: Jose Antezana, A. Costa du R. Venezuela: Santiago Key Ayala, Francisco G. Yanes, Rafael Angel Arraiz. Colombia: Enrique Olaya Herrera, R. Gutierrez Lee, J. M . Yepes. Honduras: F. Davila, Mariano Vazquez. Costa Rica: Ricardo Castro Beeche, J. Rafael Oreamuno, A. Tinoco Jimenez. Chile: Alejandro Lira, Alejandro Alvarez, C. Silva Vild6s01a _ lanuel Bianchi. Brazil: RaUl Fernandes, Lindolfo Collor. Argentina: Laurentino Olascoaga, Felipe A. Espil, Carlos Alberto Alcorta. Paraguay: Lisandro Diaz Le6n, Juan Vicente Ramirez. Haiti: Fernando Dennis. Dominican Republic: Fraco. J. Peynado, Tulio M. Cestero, Jacinto R. de Castro, Elias Brache, R. Perez Alfonseca. United States oj America: Charles Evans Hughes, Noble Brandon Judah, Henry P. Fletcher, Oscar W. Underwood, Morgan J. O'Brien, James Brown Scott, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Leo S. Rowe. Cuba: Antonio S. de Bustamante, Orestes Ferrara, E. Hernandez Cartaya, Aristides de Aguero Bethencourt, M. Marquez Sterling, Nestor Carbonell.