Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/454

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2060 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. la langue maternelle des prison- niars de guerre, it deR emplace- ments ou il pourra ~tre ('A)nsult~ par tous les prisonniers. Ten to be turDJabed La texte de cas conventions sera prIacn:as on request. • comm~qu~1 sur le~ demande, aux pnsonmers qw Be trouva- raient dans l'impossibiliM de 'pren- dre connaissance du texte afficha. ARTICLE 85. IDtIernatIoDalI88DCY. Les Hautes Parties Contrae- tantes Be communiqueront par l'intermMiaire du Conseil f6<Mral suisse les traductions officielles de la pr~ente Convention, ainsi que les lois et r~lements qu'elles pourront ~tre amenees it adopter pour assurer l'application de la pr~nte Convention. troLOrpnIsatIon of oon- SECTION II. DE L'ORGANISATION DU CONTROLE. ARTICLE 86. Les Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes reconnaissent que l'appli- cation r~~re de la presente Convention trouvera une garantie dans la possibiliM de collabora. - tion des Puissances protectrices chargees de sauvegaraer les in- Mr~ts des bellig~ants; it cet ~ard, les Puissances protectrices pourront, en dehors de leur per- sonnel diplomatique, d~igner des delegues parmi leurs propres res- sortissants ou parmi les ressortis- sants d'autres Puissances neutres. Ces delegu~ devront ~tre soumis it l'&g.!'ement du bellig~ant au- pr~s duquel ils exercerunt leur mission. Les repr~ntants de la Puis- sance protectrice ou ses d~Iegues agrees seront autoris~ Ase rendre dans toutes les localites, sans aucune exception1 OU sont inter- n~ des pnsonmers de guerre. TIs auront acOOs dans tous les locaux occupes par des ~rison­ niers et pourront s'entretemr avec ceux-ci, en r~le generale sans temoin, personnellement ou par l'interm6<Haire d'interpr~tes. Les belfurerants faciliteront dans la plus farge mesure possible la" tAche des representants ou des poroible in the native ~ of thts prisoners" of war, ill places where it may be consulOOd by all th~prisoners. The text of these conventions shall be communicaOOd to prison- ers who find it impossible to get the information from the posf.od text, upon their request. ARTICLE 85. The High Contracting Parties shall communicate to one another through the Swiss Federal Coun- cil, the official translations of the present Conventi~~t as well as of the laws and regwations which they may come to adopt to assure the application of the present Convention. SECTION II. ORGANIZATION OF CONTROL. ARTICLE 86. The High Contracting Parties recognize that the regular applica. - tion of the present Convention will find a guaranty in the possibility of collaboration of the protecting Powers charged with safeguarding the interests of belligerents; in this respect, the protecting Pow- ers may, besides their dipfomatic personnel, appoint delegates from among their own nationals or from among the nationals of other neutral Powers. These delegates must be subject to the approval of the belligerent near which they exercise their mission. Representatives of the protect- ing Power or its accepted dele- gates shall be permitted to go to any place, without exception, where prisoners of war are in- terned. They shall have access to all places occupied by prisoners and may interview them, as a general rule without witnesses, personally or through interpreters. Belligerents shall so far as possible facilitate the task of rep- resentatives or accepted delegates