Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/486

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2092 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. Relief stations. l'embMme distinctif pour leur ac~ivite humanitaire en temps de prux. A titre exceptionnel et avec l'autorisation expresse de l'une des societ~ nationales de la Croix-Rouge (Croissant-Rouge, Lion et Soleil-Rouges), il pourra ~tre fait usage de l'embleme de la Convention, en temps de pm, pour marquer l'emplacement de postes de secours exclusivement reserv~ a donner des soins gra- tuits a des blesses ou a des malades. distinctive emblem for their hu- manitarian activities in time of peace. As an exceptional measure and with the specific authorization of one of the national Red Cross Societies (Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun), the use of the emblem of the Convention may be allowed in peace time to designate the loca.- tion of relief stations reserved exclusively to giving free assistance to wounded or sick. A,pplication and exe- CHAPITRE VII. De l'application et CHAPTER VII. The Application cution. ~ l' execution ~ la Converaion. and Execution oj the Oonveraion. ARTICLE 25. PrOvisiOMObligatory Lea dispositions de la pr~ente on contracting parties. C . onvention seront respectees par les Hautes Parties Contractantes en toutes circonstances. It a belligerent Is not Au cas ou, en temps de guerre, signatory. un belligerant ne serait pas J?artie a la Convention, ses diSposltions demeureront neanmoins obliga- toires entre tous les belligerants qui y participent. ARTICLE 26. Executlonofdetalls. Les commandants en chef des armOOs belligerantes auront a pourvoir au..'t details d'execution des articles precedents, ainsi qu'aux cas non J>revus, d'~pres les instructions de leurs Oou- vemements respectifs et confor- mement aux principes generaux de ]a presente Convention. ARTICLE 27. Notice to troops, etc. Les Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes prendront les mesures n&- cessaires pour instruire leurs troupes, et specialement Ie per- sonnel pro~e, des dispositions de la pr~ente Convention et pour les porter a la connaissance des populations. ARTICLE 25. The provisions of the present Convention shall be respected by the High Contracting Parties under all circumstances. If, in time of war, a belligerent is not a :party to the Convention, its proVISions shall nevertheless remain in force as between all the belligerents who are parties to the Convention. ARTICLE 26. It shall be the duty of the com- manders-in-chief of the belligerent armies to provide for the details of execution of the foregoing articles, as well as for unforeseen cases, in accordance with the instructions of their respective Governments, &ond conformably to the general principles of this Convention. ARTICLE 27. The High Contracting Parties shall take the necessary steps to acquaint their troops, and partic- ularly the protected personnel, with the provisions of this Con- vention, and to make them known to the people at large. t1:;~ and lnfrac. CHAPITRE VIII. De la repression CHA?rER VIII. The Repression oj deB abus et ~ injractions. Abtt8e8 and Infractions. ARTICLE 28. Legislation to re- Les Gouvemements des Hautes press, etc. PartieB Contractantes, dont la legislation ne serait pas des a ARTICLE 28. The Governments of the H~h Contracting Parties whose legIS- lation may not now be adequate