Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1335

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... XVIII IXDEX. Bridges-Continued. Page. Time extended for bridging-Contd. Ohio River at Owensboro, Ky ______ 118 Pee Dee River at Georgetown, S.C_ 54,838 Rio Grande, at Boca Chica, Tex_ ___ 1117 Saint Clair River at Port Huron, ~ich________________________ OS3 Saint Lawrence River at- Alexandria Bay, N.Y ________ ____ 360 Ogdensburg, N.Y__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 027 Savannah River at Sylvania, Ga____ 04ti Siuslaw River at Florence, Oreg_ ___ 804 Umpqua River at Reedsport, Oreg_ _ 804 Wabash River at Sullivan County, Ind__________________________ 654 Waccamaw River at- Conway, S.C ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ 55 Georgetown, S.C _____________ __ 5 ·:1,838 Yaquina Bay at Newport, Oreg_ __ _ 801 Time extended for certain bridging in the State of Oregon ___________ ..s o.! Briggs, Lois Slayton Woodworth, payment to__________ ._ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ _ 97 Bristol, Arthur L., payment of jud;:;ment_ 2S1 Britten, Fred A., payment to, contested- election expenses_ _________________ 102:3 Broadcasting. See Communicatiuns Act of 1934. Brokers. See Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Brown, Charles H., time extended for bridging Des Moines River_________ 35S Browne Junior High School, D.C ., appro- priation for______ ________ _________ 860 Brownville, Nebr., time extended for bridging ~issouri River aL ________ 9li Bruceton, Pa., appropriation f0l' mining station, care, etc______________ . . ___ 561 Brumm. George F., payment to sisters oL 1022 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. appro- priation for administration, etc______ 3S5 Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., payment to_____ 101 Budget, Bureau of the. See also Treasury Department. Naval vessel, aircraft construction, annual estimates to be submitted to_________________________ ____ 505 Buft'alo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Com- mission. consent of Congress to the State of New York for establishnwnt Bulgaria. appropriation for envoy <'xtraor- Page. dinary, etc., to____________________ 530 Bullion: Authority of Secretary of Treasury to require delivery to Treasury______ 2 Export, hoarding, etc., during national emergency, authorit.y of President to probibiL____________________ 1 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitra- tion. appropriation for contribution _ 534 Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, inspection of boiler plates at mills aut.horized________________ 126 Bureau of the Budget. See Budget, Bureau of. Burnham, George. payment to, contested- ('Iection expenses__________________ 1023 Burtons Ferry, Ga., time extended for bridging Savannah River aL_______ 96 Business. See Industries. C Cairo. III .• hridge authorized across Ohio River aL_________________________ 577 California: Appropriation for- General Grant National Park ad- ministration_ _________________ 386 Indians, support, etc., oL ____ 369,375.376 Lassen Volcanic National Park ad- ministration______________ ____ 386 i\larine school, lllaint('nance________ 404 National for('st administration_ __ ___ 482 Sequoia National Park adlllinistra- tion_________________________ 387 Yosemite National Park administra- tion_________________________ 387 Central Pucific Railway Co., certain conveyances of, validated ______ 9 -10, 042 Death Valley National Monument, }'ederalla\\'s extended to _________ 1;39 East Bay Municipal Utility Districl, lands granted to________________ 642 Loans, repair of earthquake damagciL _ 20 Monterey, easemput granted over mili- t.ary reservation at___ __ _ ____ ____ 1208 San Dipgo, sale of portions of puehlo lands to, authorized_____________ 1212 of, with Dominion of Calladl1 ______ _ GG2 California Debris Commission: Buft'alo, N.Y .: Appropriation for hydrographic office expenses ______________________ _ Authority to maintain bridge across Niagara River to Fort Eric, Canada_______________________ _ Building and Loan Associations, loans by Reconstruction Finance Corporation to, authorized ___________________ _ Appropriation for expenses of _____ ___ _ 640 Hydraulic mining process, modification 421 of order granting privilPge of ___ __ 1118 Tax payments; credit to debris fund; refund of const.ruction advanees_ _ 1118 662 California. Pa., bridge aut.horized across l\lonongahela River aL ______ ______ 150 Campbell, Roy H .• time <'xtC'lldell for 141 bridging Des ~oines River___ ___ __ 358