Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1381

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lxiv IXDEX. Income Tax-Continued. Page. Taxpayers, spccial classcs of __________ 684 Teachers' retirement associations, ex- emption _ _ _ ____________________ 702 Time extended for payment of- Defit:!iency _ _ ___ __________________ 748 Tax shown on return______________ 747 Title, application oL ________________ 683 Transferees, claims against- __________ 748 Trusts. See Estates and trusts. 'Wash sales of stock or securities, loss from__________________________ 715 Withholding of tax at source_ _ _______ 723 Income Tax Ad of 1934. See Income Tax. Independent Offices: Appropriation for- American Battle Monuments Com- mission ______________________ 284 Losses due to fluctuation of Franco- American exchange__________ 510 Arlington Memorial Bridge Commis- sion_________________________ 285 Board of Mediation _____________ 285,510 Board of Tax Appeals ___________ 286, 511 Civil Service Commission ________ 286, 511 Employees' Compensation Commis- sion _______________________ 287,512 Executive Office_ _ ______________ 284, 509 Compensation, President and Vice President ________________ 284,509 Federal Board for VOC&..lOnal Educa- tion_________________________ 288 Federal Farm Board _____________ _ 289 . Federal Oil Conservation Board _ ____ 290 ,Federal Power Commission ___ ___ 200, 512 Federal Rlldio Commission _______ 201,513 Federal Trade Commission _______ 201,513 Fine Arts, Commission of __________ 287 l<'isheries, Bureau of, enforcement of black bass law___________ . ____ 304 General Accounting Office ________ 201,514 Printing and binding decisions of Comptroller GeneraL _____ 202,514 Geographic Board _______________ 297, 518 George Hogers Clark Sesquicen- tennial Commission___________ 292 International I nstitute of A!!:riclllture, Rome, Italy, support, etc ___ ____ 303 I ntcrstate Commerce COllnnissiOJL 292, 514 Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission __________________ 294 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ________________ 294,516 Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National CapitaL _______ 295 Public Buildings Commission_ ______ 295 Puerto Rican II .!rricane Relief Com- mission. _________ .___________ 516 Independent Offices-Continued. Pag•. Appropriation for-Continued. Shipping Board_ ________________ __ 298 Merchant Fleet Corporation ex- penses_ _______________ _____ 298 Smithsonian Institution_ _________ 296, 516 Supreme Court Building COlll/nis- sion, construction expenses_ ____ 297 Tariff Commission_______________ 297, 517 Veterans' AdministmtiOIL ________ 300,518 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims __ 102,281, IO·H, 1052, 1054 Aviation Commission _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ 1025 Chicago World's Fair Ceutcnnial Celebration _________________ _ Civil Service Commission __ - - - ____ _ Printing and binding ___________ _ Federal Trade Commission ________ _ General Accounting Office ________ _ Interstate Commerce COlllmission, audited claims _________ - _____ _ National Archives _______________ _ Securities Exchange Commission ___ _ Smithsonian Institution __________ _ Tariff Commission _______________ _ Printing and binding ___________ _ United States Supreme Court Build- 1025 1026 1026 1026 1026 102 1026 1026 1026 1027 1027 ing Commission __ ____________ 1027 Veterans' Administration, audited claims_ ____________________ 102, 281 Impoundment of appropriations not re- Quired ________________________ _ 304 Postal employees, etc., automatic pro- motions _______________________ 1265 Salary increases through reallocation of position fOJ bidden ___________ _ Independent Officf:::l Appropriation Act, 1935. See Incependent Offices. Indian Affairs, Bureau of. See Indians; Interior Department. Indianapolis, Ind., appropriation for care, etc., Confederate section in Green- 180wn Cemetery __________________ _ Indianhead, Md., appropriation for school 304 639 at na,-al ordnance station_ _________ 410 Indian Reservations, roads on, alllount available fm· ________________ 204, 491, 995 Indians. Sec also IntNior Department. Apache, payment of expenses, claims of _ 972 Business orgullizatioIls, l'xtelldillg right to form __________ . ___ . ____ 984 Chippewa- Adjudication of claims against United States, authorized __ ____ 979 Ceded lands, status of _ __ . ________ 927 Application of liq 1I0r laws _ ______ 927 Contracts with attornpys extended_ _ 980 Per capita. payment to ________ . . ____ Hu8 Red Lake Balld, per capita payment to, authorized________________ 254