Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1382

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Indians-Continued. Choctaw and Chickasaw, sale of conI and asphalt deposits in lands oL __ Choctaw County, Okla., claim allowed for tuition of Indian pupils ______ _ Comallche, payment of expenses, claims of____________________________ _ Conscn·ation and dcyelopmcnt of lands and resources of __________ _ Contracts with States, for social wel- fare of, authorizcd _____________ _ Credit systems, establishing for bene- fit oL ________________________ _ Determination of heirs of deceased; disposition of allotments ________ _ Fh-e Cidlized Tribes records, dcposit with Oklahoma Historical Society_ Fort Mojave Reservation, Ariz., ex- change of Indian and privately owned lands, exchanged~ ________ _ Home rule, granting rights of, to _____ _ Indian liquor laws not applicable to former lands oL _______________ _ Indian pueblos, payments authorized to, for land and watcr rights ____ _ Compensation in three anllual install- nlents ______________________ _ Lands recovered from non-Indians may he rcsold _______________ _ Water rights not subject to loss through nonuse, etc__________ _ Kiowa, payment of expenses, claims of_ l{lamath Reservation, Oreg., price restrictions, timber sales, not to apply to ______________________ _ Lands cedcd to United States, use of grazing fC'C's receivC'd from _______ _ Menominee; enrollment of___________ _ Per capita payment to ____________ _ Menominee Indian Reservation, Wis., timber operations on, payments to members ______________________ _ Menominee Tribe, funds available for attorney's fees, C'tc _____________ _ Metlakahtlans of Alaska, citizenship granted to ____________________ _ Mount Pleasant Indian School, grant to Michigan ___________________ _ Navajo Indian Rcscrvation, boulld- aries dcfined ___________________ _ Kcz Percc, expenses of attorneys in suits of- ______________________ _ Quinaielt Indian Reservation, Wash. - Issue of patents to Indians within Village of Taholah, authorized_ Modification of timbcr salcs con- tratts, authorized ____________ _ Revised Statutes rdating to, of certain_______.________________ _ INDEX. lxv I>age. 1240 105 972 984 596 984 647 501 795 984 1245 108 111 111 111 972 311 1273 965 112 964 98 667 353 960 1216 811 910 787 Indians-Continued. Page. Seminoles of Oklahoma, payments to_ _ 146 Senera Indian School, Wyandotte, Okla., acquisition of land of __ ___ _ 1184 Timhcr sale eontracts, modification of, time limitation _______________ 311, 397 Yoeational education, providing for ___ 984 Indian Territory. See Oklahoma. Indictments. See also rnitcd Statl'S ('ourts. Attendanre of clerical assistants before grand jury, authorized ________ ~ __ 58 Defects, imperfections in form, suffi- ciency oL______________________ 58 Industrial Alcohol Bureau. See Treasury Department. Industrial Home Schools, D.C ., appro- priation for ~ _ ~ ___________________ 871 Industrial Labor Boards. See National Industrial Labor Boards. Industrial Life Insurance, contracts for, in District of Columbia. See Dis- trict of Columbia. Industrial Planning and Research Agency. See National Industrial Recovery Act. Industrial Property, I nternational Bureau for Protcction of, appropriation for contribution_ ____ _________________ 534 Industrial Property Convention, Inter- national Conference for Revising, appropriation for partieipation ex- penses_ _____________ _____________ 1040 Industrial Recovery. See National In- dustrial Recovery Act. Industrial Research, appropriation for____ 555 Industries: Loans to, by Federal Reserve banks__ __ 1105 Industrial advisory committees, loan approvals____________________ 1106 Penalty provisions, false representa- tion, etc___ - - - _- _____________ 1107 Loans to, by Reconstruction Finance Corporation __ -_ _________ ____ ___ 1108 Adjustment of maturities of obliga- tiOllS- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 111 0 Industry, appropriation for vocational rehabilit.ation of persons disabled in_ 288, 390 Infantry. Chief of. See War Department. Inflation. See Currenry Regulation. Injunction, restraining unlawful acts under Securities Act of 1933_ ____________ 86 Inland Waterways Corporation Act. amendment., common carricr service provisions extended to Columbia and Snake Ui\"Crs_________ _____________ 969 Insecticide Act, appropriation for enforce- Inent____________________________ 496 Insecticide and Fungicide Investigations. appropriation for_____ __ __ __ _______ 4S5