Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/391

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 38. MARCH 2, 1934 .


General expenses . For traveling expenses of officers and employees, including employ- maps, Traveling expenses, ment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary ; for separate maps of public-land States and Alaska, including maps showing areas designated by the Secretary of the Interior under the enlarged homestead Acts, prepared by the General Land Office ; for the reproduction by photolithography or otherwise official plats of surveys ; for expenses of restoration to the public domain of lands in Restoring lands, etc . forest reserves and of lands temporarily withdrawn for forest-reserve purposes ; and for expenses of hearings or other proceedings held by Hea rings, etc . order of the General Land Office to determine the character of lands, whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with the law, and of hearings in disbarment proceed ings, $16,00 0. Surveying public lands : For surveys and resurveys of public Surveying . lands, examination of surveys heretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, inspecting mineral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, making fragmentary surveys, and such other surveys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States, under the supervision of the Commissioner of the Genera l Land Offic e and direct ion of the Se cretar y of t he Int erior, $34,0 00, a nd in add ition ther eto the u nexpe nded bala nce f or th is Balance reapp ropri- purpose for the fiscal year 1934 is continued available for the same a`Vol . 47, p 822 purpose for t he fis cal ye ar 193 5, inc luding not to excee d $5,0 00 for the p urcha se, e xcha nge, opera tion , and main tenan ce o f mot or-pr o- pelled passenger-carrying vehicles : Provided, That not to exceed Provisos. Temporarily detailed $5,000 of this appropriation may be expended for salaries of employee y employe es of the fi eld su rveyin g serv ice tem porari ly det ailed to the General Land Office : Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000 Oregon and Califor- of this appropriation may be used for the survey, classification, and BayWagon andCoos sale of the l ands a nd tim ber of the s o-calle d Oreg on and Calif ornia Railroad lands and the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands : Provided Not available for surveys in States ad- further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for canting money tbere- surveys or resurveys of public lands in any State which, under the f0Vol. 28, p 391 ; Act of August 18, 1894 (U .S .C., title 43, sec . 863), advances money u S .c, p.1388 . to the United States for such purposes for expenditure during the fiscal year 1935 : Provided further, That this appropriation may be Sur Applicable for oth er expended for surveys made under the supe rvision of the Commis- sioner of the General Land Office, but when expended for surveys that would not otherwise be chargeable hereto it shall be reimbursed from the applicable appropriation, fund, or special deposit . For United States maps, prepared in the General Land Office, Maps, distribution . $15, 000, to be imme diat ely a vaila ble, all of wh ich maps shall be delive red to the S enate and Ho use of Repres entati ves, e xcept 10 per centum , whic h shal l be d eliver ed to the Com missio ner of the G eneral Land Office for official purposes . All maps delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives hereunder shall be mounted with rollers ready for use . Registers : For salaries and commissions of registers of district Registers . land offices, $67,500 . Contingent expenses of land offices : For clerk hire, rent, and other Contingent expenses . incidental expenses of the district land offices, including the expenses of depositing public money ; traveling expenses of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in the operation of said offices, and for traveling expenses of clerks transferred in the interest of the public service from one