Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/561

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II . CH. 104. APR IL 7, 1934 . I NTE RNA TION AL BOUNDARY CO MMI SSI ON, UNITED STATES AND CANADA AND ALA SKA AND CANADA To enable the President to perform the obligations of the United States under the tr eaty b etween the U nited S tates and Gr eat Br itain in respect of Canada, signed February 24, .1925 ; for salaries and expenses, including the salary of the commissioner and salaries of the necessary engineers, clerks, and other employees for duty at the seat of government and in the field ; cost of office equipment and sup- plies ; necessary traveling expenses ; commutation of subsistence to employees while on field duty, not to exceed $4 per day each, but not to exceed $1 .75 per day each when a member of a field party and subsisting in camp ; for payment for timber necessarily cut in keeping the boundary line clear, not to exceed $500 ; and for all other neces- sary an d reas onable expen ses in curred by the Unite d Stat es in main- taining an ef fectiv e dema rcatio n of t he inte rnatio nal bo undary line between the United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada under the ter ms of the tr eaty a foresa id, in cluding the c omplet ion of such remai ning work as m ay be requ ired unde r the awar d of the Alask an Boundary Tribunal and existing treaties between the United States and Great Britain, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secre- tary of S tate, $38 ,000 . WATERWAYS TREATY, UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN : INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN Fo r sal arie s and expe nses, inc ludin g sal arie s of commi ssion ers and sal aries of cle rks an d othe r empl oyees a ppoint ed by the co mmis- sioners on the part of the United States, with the approval solely of the Secretary of State ; for necessary traveling expenses, and for expenses incident to holding hearings and conferences at such places in Canada and the United States as shall be determined by the Commission or by the American commissioners to be necessary, including travel expense and compensation of necessary witnesses, making necessary transcript of testimony and proceedings ; for cost of law books, books of reference and periodicals, office equipment and supplies ; and for one half of all reasonable and necessary joint expenses of the International Joint Commission incurred under the terms of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain concern ing th e use of bou ndary waters betwee n the United State s and Canada, and for other purposes, signed January 11, 1909, $28,000, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State : Pro- vided, That traveling expenses of the commissioners, secretary, and necessary employees shall be allowed in accordance with the provi- sions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended (U.S.C., title 5 ) ch. 16) . For an additional amount for necessary special or technical inves- tigatio ns in connec tion w ith ma tters which f all wi thin t he sco pe of the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission, including personal services in the District of Columbia . or elsewhere, traveling expen ses, procu reme nt of tech nica l and scie ntifi c eq uipme nt, a nd the p urcha se, e xcha nge, hire, mai ntena nce, repai r, a nd op erati on of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, $54,200, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, who is authorized to transfer to any department or inde- pendent establishment of the Government, with the consent of the head thereof, any part of this amount for direct expenditure by such department or establishment for the purposes of this appropriation . 535 International Bound- ar y Commi ssion . Ob ligations under treaty between United States and Great Bri- tain. Vol . 44, p 2102. Maintenance of boundary line . International Joint Commission, United States and Great Bri- tain . Sala ries,

expenses, etc . Vol.36, p. 244 Proviso . Travel expenses . Vol.44, p. 688. TI.S.C., Supp. VII, p.53. S pecia l and tech nical investigations . Personal services .