73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 389 . JU NE 4, 1934 . Contingent expenses . For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, including rewards for fugitives, pur chase of gas equipment and firearms, mai ntenance of card system, stationery, city directories, books of reference, periodi- cals, newspape rs, telegraph ing, telephon ing, photographs, rental and maintenance of teletype system and labor-saving devices, tele Radio systems . phone service charges, purchase, maintenance and servicing of radio broadcasting systems, including $11,000 for use only in purchasing, maintaining, and servicing additional radio receiving sets for auto- mobiles and the purchase and installation of radio input system in the several precinct stations, bureaus, and offices, purchase of equip- ment, gas, ice, washing, meals for prisoners, medals of award, not to exceed $300 for car tickets, furniture and repair thereto, beds and bed clothing, insignia of office, police equipments and repairs to same, and mounted equipment, flags and halyards, storage of stolen or abandoned property, and traveling and other expenses incurred in prevention and detection of crime and other necessary expenses, including expe nses of harbo r patrol, $78 ,500, of which amount not exceeding $2,000 may be expended by the major and superintendent of police for prevention and detection of crime, under his certifi- cate, approved by the Commissioners, and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have Proviso.
been expended : Provided, That the Commissioners are authorized Repairs to speedome° to te rs
employ the electrician of the District Building to repair speed- s ometers at such cost not exceeding $250 as they may approve, pay- ment to be in addition to his regular compensation, and such services to be performed after regular working hours . Motor vehicles . For purchase, exchange, and maintenance of passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles and the replacement of those worn out in the service and condemned, $60,000, including not to exceed $2,800 for two police cruisers . Uniforms . Un ifor ms : For furni shing uniforms and other of ficial equipm ent prescribed by department regulations as necessary and requisite in the performance of duty to officers and members of the Metro- politan Police, including cleaning, alteration, and repair of articles tra nsferred from one individu al to another, $45,000 . Prevention and de- tection of crime . House of Detention . Maintenance . etc . Policemen, etc ., re° lief fund . Payments from . Fire Department . Salaries, officers, etc . Vol. 46, p. 839. HOUSE OF DETENTION For maintenance of a suitable place for the reception and deten- tion of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia, or held as witnesses or held pending final investiga- tio n or examinat ion, or other wise, includin g transportat ion, the maintenance of necessary motor ve hicl es, clin ic s uppl ies, foo d, upkeep and repair of buildings, fuel, gas, ice, laundry, supplies and equipment, electricity, and other necessary expenses, $8,424 ; for personal services, $7,538 ; in all, $15,962 . POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND To pay the relief and other allowances as authorized by law, such sum as is necess ary for said purposes for t he fiscal yea r 1935 is appropriated from the policemen and firemen's relief fund . FIRE DEPARTMENT S ALAR IES For the pay of officers and members of the fire department, in accordance with the, Act entitled "An Act to fix the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police Force, the United States