Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/259

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15, 1931. 1531 jurisdiction in cases, wherever arising, between officers and crews, rertaining to the enforce- ment 0 d.isciplliie on board, pro- vided the vessel and the persons charged with wrongdoing. shall have enoored a port within his consular district. Such an officer shall also have jurisdiction over issues concerning the adjustment of wages and the execution of con- tracts relating thereto provided the local laws so permit. When an act commitood on board of a privaoo vessel under the flag of the Staoo by which the consular officer has been appoint- ed and within the terntorial waters of the State to which he has been appoinood constitutes a crime accor~ to the laws of that Staoo, subJecting the person guilty thereof to punishment as a cnminal, the consular officer shall not exercise jurisdiction except in so far as he is permitted to do so by the local law. A consular officer may freely invoke the assistance of the local police authorities in any matoor pertaining to the maintenance of mternal order on board of a vessel un'der the flag of his country within the territorial waters of the State to which he is appointed, and upon such a request the requisite assistance shall be given. A consular officer may appear with the officers and crews of vessels under the flag of his country before the judicial au- thorities of the State to which he is appointed to render assist- ance as an interpreter or agent. ARTICLE XXVI A consular officer of either High Contracting Party shall have the right to inspect within the ports of the other High Con- tracting Party within his consu- lar district, the private vessels of any flag destined or about to clear for ports of the country appointing him in order to ob- serve the sanitary conditions and 86U:{7°-::4-l'T 2-16 niego tei jedynie nalezy rozstrzy- ganiespor6w wyniklych pomi~y oficerami a zalog~ takicb. statk6w, a dotycz~ych wykoDywania na st&tku dYSC)1>liny, 0 iIe statek i osoby obwiruone 0 popelnienie wykroczenia przybyly do portu, znajduj~o si~ w obr~bie i~o okr~ konsularnego. Urz~ik t&ki ma r6wniez prawo do rozstrzygama spraw dotycz~ych uregulowania plac i wykony'wania odno§nych kontrakt6w, 0 ile pra- wa miejscowe na to pozwalaj~. Jezeli na statku prywatnym Crimes, on priv~UI , vessels m territorial plyn~ym pod bander~ Patistwa waters, wysylaj~go urz~nika konsular- nego, popelniony zostanie w gra- w6d terytorjalnych Pan- stwa przyjmuj~ego czyn, kt6ry w my§} ustaw tego Panstwa uWaZany jest za przest~pstwo, poci~aJ~e za sob~ kar~ dIa winnej osoby jako przes~pcr, urz~nik konsulamy nie b~Zle korzystal ze wspomnianych uprawnien, chyba1 ze na to zezwa~:lkrawa nnejscowe. Urz . konsularny moze nie LocalaidtomaiDtU kr . . order on abipboar1l. ~pUJ~ Sl~ wzywa6 pomocy miejsco~~h wladz policyjnych we wszelkich wypadkach, doty- cz~ych utrzymania wewn~trz- nego porz~u na statku, plyn~- cym pod bander~ jego kraju, w w6d terytorjalnych Panstwa przyjmuj~ego, a na takie z~anie potrzebna pomoc winna mu by6 udzielona. Urz~nik konsularny, D}oze sta- dlTarmstroBot (talk) 19:36, 8 July 2014 (UTC)J:~jU­ wa6 wraz Z oficerann 1 zalog~ statk6w, plyn~ych pod bander~ jego Panstwa, przed wladzami sfl.(lowemi Panstwa przyjmuj~- cego w celu okazania.pomocy jako tlumacz lub po§rednik. ARTYKUZ. XXVI Urz~nik konsularny kazdej z InspectioD, etc. , of WkihU .. h . vessels. clearing for y80 c maWlal~Yc Sl~ ports or consul's coun- Stron b~zie mial prawo w por- try. tach drugiej Wysokiej Umawia- j~ej sif; Strony, lez4Cych w obrf;bie jego okrW konsular- nego, przeprowadza6 inspekcje na prywatnych, mezaleznie od ich bander, maj4Cych Sif; uda6 lub wyruszaj~ych do port6w