Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/260

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1532 FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15, 1931. measures taken on board such vessels, and to be enabled thereby to execute intelligently bills of health and other documents re- quired by the laws of his country, and to inform his Government concerning the extent to which its sanitary regulations have been observed at ports of departure by vessels destined to its ports, with a view to facilitating entry of such vessels therein. ARTICLE XXVII wrS:::fTarmstroBot (talk). sbip· All proceedings relative to the salvage of vessels of either High Contracting Party wrecked upon the coasts of the other shall be di- rected by the consular officer of the country to which the vessel be- longs and within whose district the wreck may have occurred. Pending the arrival of such offi- cer, who shall be immediately informed of the occurrence, the local authorities shall take all necessary measures for the pro- tection of persons and the preser- vation of wrecked property. The local authorities shall not other- wise interfere than for the main- tenance of order, the protection of the interests of the salvors, if these do not belong to the crews that have been wrecked, and to carry into effect the arrangements made for the entry and exporta- tion of the merchandise saved. It is understood that such merchan- dise is not to be subjected to an, custom house charges, unless It be intended for consumption in the country where the wreck may have taken place. Local Intervention The intervention of the local limited. authorities in these different cases shall occasion no expense of any kind, except such as may be caused by the operations of sal- vage and the preservation of the goods saved, together with such as would be incurred under sim- ilar circumstances by vessels of the nation. kraju wysylaj~ego, celem zba- dania warunk6w i zarz~ze:6 sani- tarnych, wydanych na tychze okretach, aby tern samem mie6 moznoA6 nalezytego sporztldzenia Awiadectw zdrowotnoAci i innych dokument6w wymaganych przez ustawodawstwo jego kraju oraz informowa6 sw6j Rztld, w jakiej mierze jego przepisy sanitarne byly przestrzegane w portach odjazdowych przez statki udaj~e si~ do port6w jego kraju, a to ze wzgl~du na ulatwienie statkom powyzszym wjazdu do portu. ARTYKUr. XXVII Wszelk!em~ czynnosciami1 od- nosz~em1 Sl~ do ratowmctwa statk6w kaZdej z Wysokich Uma- wiaj~ych si~ Stron, kt6re rozbily si~ u brzeg6w drugiej, b~zie kierowal urz~nik konsularny kra- ju, do kt6rego dany statek nalezy I w granicach kt6rego okr~ kon- sularnego rozbicie statim nasttl- pilo. Do chwili przybycia takiego urz~nika, kt6ry niezwlocznie wi- nien by6 zawiadomiony 0 wypad- ku, wladze miejscowe winnY'pod- itlc wszelkie potrzebne kroki dia ochrony os6b i zabezpieczenia mienia dotkni~tego katastrofa. Wladze miejscowe b~dll- interwe- njowalyjedyniewcelu utrzymania porztldku i zabezpieczenia intere- s6w os6b ratuj~ych, 0 ile one nie naIezfII do zalogi statku, kt6ry ulegl rozbiciu, oraz w celu V'I'Y- konywania zarzf\dzen wydanych w sprawie przywozu i wywozu uratowanych towar6w. Rozumie sie, ze towary takie nie podIegajll- zadnym oplatom ceinym, chyba, ze Sll- przeznaczone do spoz,Cla w kraju, gdzie nastfliPilo rozblCie si~ statku. Interwencja wladz miejscowych w tych wypadkach nie b~dzie poci~la za sobll- zadnych ko- szt6w, opr6cz tych, kt6re wywo- lane zostaly akcJfII ratowniczfll i za- bezpieczeniem uratowanych town- r6w, oraz tych, kt6re wpodobnych okoliczno§ciach ponosilyby okr~ty ich wlasnego kraju.