Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1171

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 49. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . Public Health Serv- ice . Grants to States . Public-health work . Ante, p.634. Provisos. Payments for third and fourth quarters, 1936 . Basis of allotments . Diseases and sanita- tion investigations . Ante, p. 635 ; Vol. 37, p. 309. Contingent expenses . Vol . 37, p. 414. U.S.C.,p.1406. Judgment s and au- th orized claims . Damage claims. Payment of. Vol. 42, p . 1066. U.S.C.,p.1369. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Grants to States for public-health work : For the purpose of ass ist ing Sta tes, cou nti es, hea lth dis tric ts, and ot her pol itic al sub- divisions of the States in establishing and maintaining adequate public-health services, including the training of personnel for State and local health work, as authorized in s ections 601 and 602, Title VI, of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 193 5 (49 Stat ., 634), fiscal year 1936, $3,333,000 : Provided, That payments to States for the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year 1936 under sec- tions 601 and 602, Title VI, of the Socia l Security Act may be made with respect to any State plan approved under such title by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service prior to or during such period, but no such payment shall be made with respect to any plan for any period prior to the quarter in which such plan was submitted to the Surgeon General for approval and in no event for any period prior to February 1, 1936 : Provided further, That allot- ments under section 602 for the fiscal year 1936 may be made and shall be based on five-twelfths of the amount authorized to be app ropri ated for s uch f iscal year . Diseases and sanitation investigations : For carrying out the pro- visions of section 603 of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935, and section 1 of the Act of August 14, 1912, including rent and personal and other services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and items otherwise properly chargeable to the appro- pri ation s for prin ting and b indin g, st ation ery, and miscellaneous and contingent ex penses for the Treasury Department, the provi- sions of section 6, Act of August 23, 1912 (U . S . C ., title 31, sec . 669), to the contrary notwithstan ding, the packing, crating, drayage, and transpo rtation of the perso nal effect s of commi ssioned of ficers, sc ien- tific personnel, pharmacist s, and nurses of the Public Health Serv- ice upon permanent change of station, and including the purchase (not to ex ceed $5,00 0), e xchan ge, m ainte nance , rep air, and o pera- tion of passenger-carrying automobiles for official use in field work, fiscal year 1936, $375,000 . TIT LE I I--J UDGM ENTS AND AUT HORI ZED CLAI MS DAMAGE CLAIMS SECTION 1 . (a) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property adjusted and determined by the following respective departments and independent establishments under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (U . S . C ., title 31, sets . 215-217), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 299, and Senate Doc- ument Numbered 130, Seventy-fourth Congress, as follows Civil Works Administration, except item numbered 6 on page 3 of such Document Numbered 299, $416 .71 ; Vet erans ' Adm inist ratio n, $4 3 .78 ; Department of Agriculture, $981 .13 ; Department of Interior, $839 .20 ; Depart ment of L abor, $2 8 .06 ; Navy Department, $1,507 .96 ; Post Office Department (out of postal revenues), $82 . 9 9 ; Treasury Department, $303 .59 ; War Departmen t, $3,66 0 .27 ; In all, $7,863 .69 .