Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1489

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1444 Transit inspection . Vol. 37, p. 315; Vol. 44, p. 250;Vol. 45, p. 468 . U. S. C., pp. 123,124. Foreign plant quar- ant ines . Mexican cotton, etc . Clea ning , etc . Pro i80 . Receipts covered in . Export inspection and certification . Proviso . Receipts covered in . Scr ew-w orm con trol . Provisos . Re sponsib ility , in handling, etc .,

ve- stock. Local cooperation . No par ement for prop - ertre destroreed, etc. Services in the Dis- trict . Vehicles . Biological Survere Bureau. General expenses . 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 489 . JUNE 4, 1936. Transit inspection : For the inspection in transit or otherwise of articles quarantined under the Act of August 20, 1912 (U . S . C., title 7, sets . 161, 164a), as amended, and for the interception and dispo- sition of materials found to have been transported interstate in violation of quarantines promulgated thereunder, $29,059 . Foreign plant quarantines : For enforcement of foreign plant quarantines, at the port of entry and port of export, and to prevent the mov ement o f cotton and co ttonseed from M exico i nto the United Sates, including the regulation of the entry into the United States of railway cars and other vehicles, and freight, express, baggage, or other materials from Mexico, and the inspection, cleaning, and disinfection thereof, including construction and repair of necessary buil dings , pl ants, and equi pmen t, fo r th e fum igat ion, disi nfect ion, or cleaning of products, railway cars, or other vehicles entering the United States from Mexico, $625,956 : Provided, That any moneys received in payment of charges fixed by the Secretary of Agriculture on account of such cleaning and disinfection shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Certification of exports : For the inspection, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agricult ure may prescribe, of domesti c plant s and pl ant pro ducts wh en offe red for export and to certify to shippers and interested parties as to the freedom of such products from injurious plant diseases and insect pests according to the sanitary requirements of the foreign countries affected and to make such reasonable charges and to use such means as may be necessary to accomplish this object, $31,862 : Provided, That moneys received on account of such inspection and certification shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Screw-worm control : For the determination and application of such methods of cont rol of screw wo rms as, in the judgmen t of the Secretary of Agriculture, may be necessary, in cooperation with authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals to accomplish such purposes ; printing and binding ; traveling expenses ; research, education, and demonstration ; purchase and transportation of materials ; construction of treating pens and chutes and such other expenses as may be deemed necessary, $460,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That the cooperating State, organization, or individual shall be responsible for the handling and treatment of livestock, including full labor cos ts : Prov ided fur ther, T h a t, i n t h e dis cretion of the Secretar y of Ag ricultur e, no p art of this app ro- priation shall be expended for control of screw worms in any Sate until such State or organization, or individuals therein, have made provision for cooperation satisfactory to him : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the cost or value of animals, farm crops, or other property injured or destroyed . Total, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, $5,317,675, of which amount not to exceed $804,321 may be expended for per- sonal services in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $40,805 sha ll be av ailable for the purcha se of mo tor-pro pelled and hors e- drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field w ork outs ide the Distric t of Co lumbia . BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY SAL ARI ES AND EXPENSES Salaries, supplies, etc . For salaries and employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, including the purchase of bags, tags, and labels printed in the course of manufacture, traveling, and