Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1515

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. C H. 502. JUNE 4, 1936 . Description-Con- tinue d. `BT 2-2" ; thence south eight degrees thirty-five minutes east, with line between lot 9 and lot 8 of southeast one hundred and sixty acres of Giard Claim, six and eighty-nine one-hundredths chains to cor- ner 3, the northwest corner of lot 7, a one-by-twelve-inch iron pipe abov e ground, betwe en trees with o ld blazes, a t en-inch twin bl ack oak bears south thirty-eight degrees west, eight one-hundredths chain, scribed "BT 2-3", an eighteen-inch black oak bears north ten degrees west, thirty-four one-hundredths chain, scribed "BT 2-3" ; thence south fifty-eight degrees fourteen minutes west with line between Munn lands and property of the Northeastern Iowa Outers Association, twenty and four one-hundredths chains to corner 4, a six-by-six-by-forty-two-inch basswood post above ground, in a mound of stones, in the line between lots 9 and 10, a twelve-inch butternut be ars sout h tw enty -eig ht d egre es e ast, thi rty- five one -hun dred ths chain, blazed and scribed "BT 2 1", a twenty-inch sycamore bears no rth si xty-eig ht deg rees e ast, f orty-o ne one- hundre dths c hain, blazed a nd scr ibe d " BT 2 -4 " ; thence n orth twenty-nin e degrees fift y-one minutes west, with two lines common to lots 9 and 10, nine and eleven one-hundredths chains to corner 5, a point in said line ; thence north sixty-nine degrees fifteen minutes west, thirty-five one-hun- dredths chain to corner 6, a five-by-thirty-six-inch ash post above ground, in mound of stone, the south corner common to the Munn lands and the Lorang property ; thence north, with the line between Lorang and leaving the line between lots 9 and 10, three and forty- si x on e-hu ndre dths cha ins to a fou r-by -fou r-by -for ty-t wo-i nch fir post above ground, scribed "US 3 .46" with arrow pointing south, bein g on the north side of the Hei ghts Road, nin e and thirty-th ree one-hundredths chains to the place of beginning, containing twenty- six and sixty-two one-hundredths acres, more or less, subject to any existing rights or easements for roads over or across the land above described . Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, block 48, in James McGregor, Junior, addition to the town of McGregor, Iowa (excepting therefrom a strip of land being the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railway), the parcel hereby conveyed con- taining according to survey sixty-nine one-hundredths acres, more or less . Lot 7, excepting a strip one chain in width along the west side, in the southeast one hundred and sixty acres of the Giard Claim and within w hat would be se ction 22, town ship 95 north, range 3 west, fi fth pr incipal merid ian, d escrib ed as follows : Beginning at corner 1., a two-by-twelve-inch iron pipe above ground, in a mound of stone, and on the north line of said lot 7, one chain easterly from the northwest corner thereof ; thence south nine degrees seventeen minutes east, parallel with and one chain ea st of the wes t line of lo t 7, s ix and ninete en one -hundr edths chains to corner 2, a point on brink of cliff in the south line of lot 7 ; thence north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes east, with line between lot 7 and lot 6, three and eight one-hundredths chains to a four-by-four- by-thirty-six-inch fir post above ground, scribed "US 4-3", in mound of s tone, on west s ide of McGregor -Marquette Roa d, four and for ty- four one-hundredths chains to corner 3, the corner common to lots 6 and 7 and block 48 of the James McGregor, Junior, addition to the town of McGregor ; thence north eight degrees fifteen minutes west, with the line between lot 7 and block 48, five and seventy-two one- hundredths chains to . corner 4, the corner common to lots 7 and 8 and block 48 of the town of McGregor ; thence south eighty-eight degrees thirty minutes west, with the line between lots 7 and 8, one and eighty-four one -hundredths cha ins to a four- by-four-by-thir ty-