Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1584

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74Tx CONGRESS . SESS . II . CHS. 612, 617. JUNE 19, 20, 1936.

153 9 [CHAPTER 612 .] JOIN T RE SOL UTIO N To modify and extend the Act entitled "An Act to include sugar beets and sugarcane as basic agricultural commodities under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved May 9, 1934, as amended, and for other purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That under the Act entitled "An Act to include sugar beets and sugarcane as basic agricultural commodities under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved May 9, 1934, as amended, no further processing, compensating, or floor-stocks tax shall be levied or collected respecting sugar beets or sugarcane or the products thereof as defined by such Act as amended nor shall any contract be entered into under the provisions of such Act, as amended, with the producers of sugar beets or sugarcane, but in all other respects such amendatory Act shall be and remain in force and effect until Dece mber 31, 1937, and the quotas established and allotments here- tofore made b-r the Secretary of Agriculture are hereby ratified . SEC . 2 . In order to regulate commerce with Cuba and other foreign countries, among the several States, with the Territories and posses- sions of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, with respect to sugar, the quotas for the respective sugar- producing areas shall be the same (subject to modification or adjust- ment by the Secretary of Agriculture under conditions set out in such Act) for the calendar years 1936 and 193 7 as those initially established by the Secretary of Agriculture for the calendar year 1936 : Provided, That for the calendar year 1937 there shall be Prioims. to conti- allotted to continental United Sta tes not less than 30 per centum nental United States. of any amount of consumption requirements therefor above six million four hundred and fifty-two thousand short tons, raw value Provided further, That any sugar-marketing quota may be allotted Quotas on basis of prior allotments, etc ., by the Secretary of Agriculture, in order to prevent disorderly mar- permitted . keting or importation of sugar, on the basis of prior allotments under such Act, changes in marketing sin ce the first such allotment, mar- ketings during the calendar year 1935 , and ability to perform . Approved, June 19, 1936 . June 19, 1936. [S.J. Res . 278 .] [Pub . Res., No. 109.1 Agricultural Adjust- m ent Act amen dmen t . Sugar beets and su- garcane as basic agricul. tural commodities . Vol. 48, p. 670 . Provisions continued until 1938 wi th desig- nated modifications . Quot as and allot- ments ratified . Quotas for Cuba and other foreign countries, etc ., calendar years 1936 and 1937 . [CHAPTER 617 .] AN ACT

June 20, 1936. To effe ctua te c ertai n pr ovis ions of the International Convention for the Pro- [S .1794.1 tection of Industrial Property as revised at The Hague on November [Public, No. 711 .] 6, 1925 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4 of the Trade Mark Act of February 20, 1905 (U. S. C., title 15, sec. 84), as amended, be amended to read as follows "That an application for registration of a trade mark filed in this country by any person who has previously regularly filed in any foreign country which, by treaty, convention, or law, affords similar privileges to citizens of the United States an application for regis- tration of the same trade mark shall be accorded the same force and effect as would be accorded to the same application if filed in this country on the date on which application for registration of the same trade mark was first filed in such foreign country : Pr ovide d, That such application is filed in this country within six months from the date on which the application was first filed in such for- Trade marks. Vol.33,p.725. U.S.C.,p.542. Appl ication for, p re- viously filed in a coun- tr y grant ing rec iprocal privileges. Prorises. Time limitation.