Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/161

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 48. APRIL 8, 1935. or both, for projects of States, Territories, Possessions, including s ubdivision s and agen cies there of, munici palities, a nd the Dis trict of C olumb ia, an d sel f-liqu idati n projects of public bodies thereof, where, in the determination othhe President, not less than twenty- five per centum of the loan or the grant, or the aggregate thereof, is to be expended for work under each particular project, $900,000,000 ; (h) s anitation, preventio n of soil erosion, p revention o f stream p ollution, sea coast erosion, reforestation, forestation, flood control, rivers and Increased authorized . amount harbors and miscellaneous projects, $350,000,000 : Provided further, That not to exceed 20 per ce ntum of the amount herein appropriated may be used by the President to increase any one or more of the Ex penditure for mu- foregoing limitations if he finds it necessary to do so in order to nit ions, bit a warships, etc ., effectuate the purpose of this joint resolution : Provided further, That no part of the appropriation made by this joint resolution shall be expended for munitions, warships, or military or naval materiel

but this proviso shall not be construed to prevent the use of such appropriation for new buildings, reconstruction of buildings and other improvements in military or naval reservations, posts, forts, camps, c emeteries, or fortifi ed areas, or for pro jects for nonmilitar y or nonnaval purposes in such places . Except as hereinafter provided, all sums allocated from the appropriation made herein for the construction of public highways and other related projects (except within or adjacent to national forests, national parks, national parkways, or other Federal reser- vations) shall be apportioned by the Secretary of Agriculture in the manner provided by section 204 (b) of the National Industrial Recovery Act for expenditure by the State highway departments under the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of November 9, 1921, as amended and supplemented, and subject to the provisions of section 1 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat . 993) : Provided, That any amounts allocated from the appropriation made herein for the elimination of existing hazards to life at railroad grade cross- ings, including the separation or protection of grades at crossings, the reconstru ction of e xisting ra ilroad grad e crossing structure s, and the relocation of highways to eliminate grade crossings, shall be apportioned by the secretary of Agriculture to the several States (including the Territory of Hawaii and the District of Columbia), one-half on population as shown by the latest decennial census, one- fourth on t he mil eage of the Fede ral-ai d hig hway s ystem as de ter- mined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and one-fourth on the rail- road mileage as determined by the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, to be expended by the State highway departments under the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of November 9, 1921, as amended and supplemented, and subject to the provisions of sec- tion1ofsuchActofJune18,1934(48Stat.993);butnopartof the funds apportioned to any State or Territory under this joint resolution for public highways and grade crossings need be matched by the State or Territory : And provided further, That the President may also allot funds made available by this joint resolution for the construction, repair, and improvement of public highways in Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and money allocated under this joint resolution to relief agencies may be expended by such agencies for the construction and improvement of roads and streets : Pro- vided, however, That the expenditure of funds from the appropria- tion made herein for the construction of public highways and other related projects shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe for carrying out this paragraph and preference in the employment of labor shall be given (except in executive, administrative, supervisory, and highly skilled positions) Public highway s and related projects. Apportionment of al- locations . Vol . 48, p. 203. Expenditure by State h igh way departments. Vol. 42, p. 212; Vol . 48p. 993. S.C.,p.969 . Provisos. Amounts for grade crossing eliminat ion . App ort ion men t pro- visions . Post, p . 1134. Expenditure. Vol. 42, p. 212


48,p.993. II.S.C.,p.969. Ma tch ing fu nds not required. Al as ka, Puerto Rico, Virgin Is lands . Allotments for high- ways . Rule s and regu la- tions. P reference in labo r employment .