Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1898

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . IL CH. '125 . JUNE 23, 1936 .

1853 teleph one s witc hboar d equ ipmen t in such build ings joint ly se rving in each case two or more governmental activities, $14,900,000 : Pro- payrates, etc . vi ded, That in no case shall the rates of compensation for the mechanical labor force be in excess of the rates current at the time and in t he place where such services are employed . Operating supplies, public buildings : For fuel, steam, gas, and operating supplies . electr ic current for lightin g, heating, and power p urposes, water, ice, li ghti ng su pplie s, re moval of ashes and rubbi sh, snow and i ce, c utti ng grass and weeds, washing towels, telephone service for custodial forces, and for miscellaneous services and supplies, tools and appli- ances, for the operation of completed and occupied public buildings and grounds, including mechanical and electrical equipment, but not the repair thereof, operated by the Post Office Department, including the Washington Post Office and the Customhouse Building in the District of Columbia, and for the transportation of articles and sup plies aut horiz ed he rein, $4, 675,0 00 : Provided, That the f orego ing Pe or °s' foregoing Personal services, re- appropriation shall not be available for personal services except for striction . work done by contract, or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time . the sum of $100 at any one building : Provided further, That the Postmaster General is authorized to con- contracts for rele' phone services . tract for telephone service in public buildings under his administra- tion by means of telephone switchboards or equivalent telephone- swit ching equip ment jointl y ser ving in ea ch cas e two or m ore governmental ac tivities, where he determine s that joint service is economical a.nd in the interest of the Government, and to secure reimbursement for the cost of such joint service from available appropriations for telephone expenses of the Bureaus and offices receiving the same .

Furniture and equip . Furniture, carpets, and safes, public buildings : For the procure- went. inent, including transportation, of furniture, carpets, safes, safe and vault protective devices, and repairs of same, for use in public buildings which are no w, or may hereafter be, oper ated by the Post Provisos . Office Depa rtme nt, $ 625,0 00 : P rov ide d, That, excepting expendi- Personal services, re- t u r e s f o r l a b o r f o r o r i n c i d e n t a l t o t h e m o v i n g o f e q u i p m e n t f r o m s t r i c t i o n r or into public buildings, the foregoing appropriation shall not be used for personal services except for work done under contract or for temporary job labor under exigency and not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building : Provided further, That -Use of present furni- all furniture now owned by the United States in other public build- ings or in buildings rented by the United States shall be used, so far as practicable, whether it corresponds with the present regula- tion plan of furniture or not .

Scientific i nvestiga . Scientific investigations : In the disbursement of appropriations dons . contained in this title for the field service of the Post Office Depart- 'transfer of su ms to Bureau of Standards . ment the Postmaster General may transfer to the Bureau of Standards not to exceed $20,000 for scientific investigations in con- nection with the purchase of materials, equipment, and supplies necessary in the maintenance and operation of the Postal Service . Deficiency in postal revenues : If the revenues of the Post Office Deficiency in postal y

rev enue s. Department shall be insufficient to meet the appropriations made under title II of this Act, a sum equal to such deficiency in the revenues of such Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply such deficiency in the revenues of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and the sum needed may be advanced to the Post ffice Department upon requisition of the Postmaster General .