Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2232

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cxlvi INDEX. Revised Statutes-Continued. Amended-Continued. Section 3349 ______ .. _____________ _ Section 3354 ____ .__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Section 3450 ____________________ _ Section 3936 ____ .. _____ . ___ _____ _ Section 41 g9 ____ . . ___ _____ .. ______ _ Page. 1049 1960 1955 333 52)0\ Section 4197 ____ . . ______ .__ ________ 5211 Section4218_____. ________________ fi:28 Section 4283 ______________ . __ . 9130, H ,\) Addition of new seetion 4283A_ _ _ 960 Addition of new section 4283B_ _ _ 1480 Section 4285 _____________________ 1480 Section4289____ . ________________ 1-181 Section 432L ____ . _ ___ __ ___ . ______ 1367 Sections 433G, 4:377 _______ .. _______ 528 Section4404 ______ . __ . ___ _____ 13R1 Addition of !}('w l'ieetion 4-1173. ____ 1889 SectiOn4450____________. ____ _____ 1381 Section 447L _ _ _ __ ________ ______ _ 1MO Section 455L _ _ _ __ ____________ ___ H)3·1 Section 4865_ _ _ _ __ __________ ______ 394 Section 4878_ _ _ _ __ __ ________ ____ _ 339 Section 4887 _ _ _ _ ____________ __ ___ 1529 Sections 5136,5138_______________ 709 Section 5139 ___________________ 710,720 Section 5143_____________________ 720 Section5144_____ . _____________ 710,711 Section 5154_____________________ 711 Section 5155 ______ . . ______________ 708 Sections 5162, 5H17 _______ _______ _ Sect.ion 5199 ____________________ _ Section 5200 ____________________ _ Sections 5209, 5220 _______ _______ _ Section 5234 ____________________ _ Section 5240 ____________________ _ Section 5243 ____________________ _ Section 5296 ____________________ _ Repealed- Section 506 _____________________ _ Section 510 _____________________ _ Section 1777 ____________________ _ Section 1790____________________ _ Section 3072 ____________________ _ Section 327L ___________________ _ Section 190, exemption from limitation 711 712 713 712 721 722 712 289 1553 957 1553 864 523 1961 on counsel in certain cases_ ____ 962, 1164, 1513, 1820 Rhode Island: Flood-control, etc., compacts, consent of Congress granted to___________ 1490 Preliminary eX3.minatior of rivers, etc., a uthorized _____________ 1041 ,1592 Rice. See Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendments. Richardsons Bay, Calif., examination aa- thorized _ _ ___ _ __ _______ ____ ______ 1047 Richmond, Fredericksburg 8!1d l'otomac Railroad Co., ex('hange of lands be- tween United State,; Hlld___________ 395 Richmond Harbor, Calif., improvement Puge. authorized ______ . _____ .. ___ ____ __ 11)38 Richmond National Battlefield Park, Va.: Establishment; site; acquh,iti'Hl of land, etc._ ______________________ 1155 Iuclusion of Riehl1lowi Bat tleficld Park!" _ __ ____________________ 1156 Supervision; ~J.(·~·pptan('c of donations, etc _____________________ . 1156 Ridgeley, 'Y . Ya., flond-control prnjc(·t uuthorizcd _____________ . __ .__._.. 1574 Rifles, exemption of eertain, from opera- tion of KatiOlml Firearms Ad __ _ __ _ 1192 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, appropriatim; for diplomatic, ete., buildings aL______ 50S Rio Grande: Bridge authorized acrof"S, nt- Boca Chica, Tex__________________ 323 Rio Gramle City, TeL____________ 427 Equitable usc of wuters of. See Inter- national Boundary COlllm:s:<ion, United States and 1Iexico. Rio Grande Canalization Project, cou- I'truCtiOIl, etc __________________ 9Gl, 1403 Rio Grande City, Tex., bridge authorized across Rio Grande aL _____ .. _. _____ 427 Rio Grande Compact, consent al1(i ap- proval given to extension of __ ___ __ 325 Rio Grande Diversion Dam, appropria- tion for commencing construction_ _ _ 1631 Rio Grande IrrigaHon Project, N. Mex. - Tex., appropriation for _ _ _ __ _ ___ 198, 1782 Rio Grande Rectification Project, appro- priationfor. _ _ ____ ____ __ _______ __ 1317 Rivers and Harbors. See also Flood Control Act of 1936. Appropriation for presenoation, etc_ __ _ 1-15 Deficiency appropriation for ('ol1struc- tion, etc., 011-__________________ 601 Amount for work-relid projects_ ___ __ _ 11() Bayou Saint .John declared nOlllluyiga- ble, New Orleans, La ____________ 148k Cascade Locks, Ore~., COllllection with Government-owned watt'r maiu___ 104H Defaulting contractors, amoullts col- lected from ________ ___ ___ _______ 1048 East River, Wis., portion declared nonnavigable _____ ._____________ 1048 Flood-control operations with oppor- tunities for power deyelopment, surveys eoutillued_______________ 1596 Greenbush, Mich., pier ICf.!;alized_ __ ___ lO·t!} Improvements authoriz('d; proRccHtioll Rnli 8upervision of work _ _ _ ______ 1028 Flood control, etc., proj('cts adopted; construction authoriz('d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1039 Inter"tate compacts for flood control, etc., consent of COllgress grantp!\ to_____________________________ 1490