Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2233

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INDEX. cx1vii Rivers and Harbors-Continued. Page. Lake Champlaiu to Hudson River waterway; investigation aud re- port___________________________ 1048 Mississippi River flood-control project, modification of original project, etc____________________________ 1508 Oyster growers, claims of, from damages arising from dredging operations, etc____________________________ 1049 Preliminary examinations and surveys authorized _________________ 1040,1592 Report~, surveys; information required_ 1048 Report to Congress by Secretary of 'Var_________________________ 1049 Sale of land no longer needed, etc ____ _ 10·18 West Fork, South Brauch of Chicago River, Ill., portion declared non- navigable __ _ ________ ____ __ _____ 1048 Riverton Irrigation Project, Wyo., appro- priation for _______________ 199, 1783 , 1784 Road Congresses, Permanent Associa- tion of International, appropriation forcontribution __________ .. ______ 73,1316 Roads. See also Federal Aid Highway Act, Amendments. Amount for work-relief projects _____ _ 115 Roanoke Colony, N. C., coinage to com- memorate anniversary oC__________ 1911 Roanoke River, N. C. , c ontinuation of sun'CYS of reservoirs in ________ . ___ 1596 Robinson, Charles E., conveyance of por- tion of Isle au Baut Lighthouse Res- ,~n'ation, Maiue, to_ _ __ _ _ _________ 309 Robinson-Patman Act. Ree Antitrust Act of 1914, Amendments. Robinson, Samuel, payment to_ _____ 572, 1599 Rochester Harbor, N. Y ., improvement u.uthorized _ _ _______ ___ __ _________ 1037 Rockhall Harbor, Md., examination au- thorized _ _ _ _________ _ __ __________ 1042 Rock Harbor, Mass., examination au- thorized_ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___________ 1041 Rock Island, 111., appropriation for oper- ation of bridges, etc_______________ 136 Rockport, Ind., time extended for bridging Ohio River betwel'n, and Owcnsboro, Ky _______________ . ____________ 36, 1199 Rock River, III., and Wis., flood-control projects authorized ____ - ___________ 1585 Rocky Boy Indian Reservation, Mont.• ad- dition of land authorizcd___________ 217 Rocky Boy Indians, Mont., appropriation for industrial assistance_ __ _____ ____ 1767 Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo. , appropriation for administration, etc _____ - _______________ ______ 208, 1793 Rocky River Harbor, Ohio, examination authorized_______________________ 1046 Rocky River (Love's Ford and Crump's Page. Ford), N. C. , co ntinuation of surveys_ 1596 Rogers, Henry H., acceptance of bequest of, authorized _________________ . __ 1239 Appropriation for expenses incidcnt to_ 1628 Rogue River National Forest, Oreg., lands added to; cutting of merchant- able timber on revest-cd lands; deposit of reeeipts_______________________ 1460 Rogue River, Oreg., examination author- ized __________________________ 439,1595 Rollinson Channel, N. C ., improvement authorized ______________ . ________ 1032 Rome, Ga., flood-eontrol projeet author- ized _____________________ . _______ 1575 Rondout Creek, N . Y. , e xa mination au- thorized ______ -. _______________ .__ 1592 Rondout Harbor, N. Y., improvement au- thorized __________________ .. _ _____ 1030 Roseau River, Minn. , ex amination author- ized_____________________________ 1594 Rosebud Indians, S. Dak. , appropriation for industrial assistance ____________ 1767 Rosin, publication of statisti('s on ____ ___ 653 Rouge River, Mich., improvement au- thorized __ _ ______ _________ __ _____ 103/l Rough River, Ky ., e xa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1593 Round Island, Mich., channel improve- ment authorized to Mackinac Island_ 1036 Round Valley Indian Reservation, Calif. , school a vrulable to children oL ____ _ 331 Rouses Point, N. Y ., bridge authorized across Lake Champlain aL ________ _ 728 Rubber, appropriation for investigation. etc__ - _______________________ _ 260, 1435 "Rules Concerning Lights, etc. ", amend- menL--. _______________ . _ _ ____ 1367 "Rules for the Measurement of Vessels for the Panama Canal", apiJointment of committee for proposed modifica- tion_--- _- - ______________________ 1204 Rulo, Nebr., time extended for bridging Missouri HiveI' at ________________ _ 728 Rumania, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to _____________ 69, 1311 Rum River, Minn., exa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1594 Rural Delivery, Postal Service, appro- priation fOI' __________ ______ 2 40 ,589,1850 Rural Electrification Act of 1936: Hural Electrification Administration creat~d ___________________ . ____ 1363 Administrator; appointment; salary; powers, etc ___ - _____ ____ . _____ 1363 R£'collstrnction It'inance Corporation, loans hy, to Administrator; secur- ity; amortization provisions _____ _ Appropriation au1horized ___________ _ Appropriat ion for __ . . _____________ _ 1364 1364 1604