Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/821

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74 TH CONG RESS . SESS. I. CII. 641. AUGUST 24, 1935. ing from tuberculosis or Bang's disease, and to make payments to Experimentation ; owners with respect thereto. The Secretary of Agriculture is sums a vaila ble, au thoriz ed to u se for scien tific experi mentati on and effor ts to eradi- cate disease in cattle, as much as he finds advisable of the funds appropriated by or in pursuanc e of the author ization contai ned in this section and the funds appropriated by the second paragraph of Vol .48,pp.528,805. Public Resolution Numbered 27, Seventy-third Congress, approved May 25, 1934, to carry out section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Agric ultural Adjustm ent Act so as t o include catt le and other products as basic agricultural commodities, and for other pur- Sums to remain avail- poses ", approved April 7, 1934 . The sums appropriated or reappro- able until June 30, 1936' Administrative ex- priated by this section shall remain available until June 30, 1936, penses, and such sums and the sums appropriated in pursuance of the authorization contained in this section shall be available to carry out the purpose s of both this section and suc h section 6, a nd may be used for all necessary expenses in connection therewith, includ- ing the employment of persons and means in the District of Colum- bia and elsewhere . The unexpended balance of the funds appro- Vol. 48, pp. 528, 805. priated by the second paragraph of such Public Resolution Num- bered 27 to carry out the purposes of section 2 of such Act of April 7, 1934, shall remain available for the purposes of such section 2 until June 3 0, 1936 . Agreements and rem- SEC. 38. Nothing contained in this Act shall (a), invalidate any edies not invalidated hereby . marketing,, agreement or license in existence on the date of the enact- ment hereof, or any provision thereof, or any act done pursuant thereto, eit her before or after the enact ment of this Ac t, or (b) impair any remedy provided for on the date of the enactment thereof for the enforcement of any such marketing agreement or license, or Vol . 48, p. 34; Ante, (c) inv alidat e any agreem ent ent ered i nto pu rsuant to sec tion 8 (1) o f p .46. the Agricultural Adjustment Act prior to the enactment of this Act, or subsequent to the enactment of this Act in connection with a program the initiation of which has been formally approv ed by the Secretary of Agriculture under such section 8 (1) prior to the enactment of this Act, or any act done or agreed to be done or any payment made or agreed to be made in purs uance of any su ch agree- ment, either before or after the enactment of this Act, or any change in the terms and conditions of any such agreement, or any voluntary arrangements or further agreements which the Secretary finds neces- sary or desirable in order to complete or terminate such program pursuant to the declared policy of the Agricultural Adjustment Act

Proviso .

Provided, That the Secretary shall not prescribe, pursuant to any such Adjustments in acre- age or pro duc tion . agreement or voluntary arr angement, any a djustment in th e acreage or in the production for market of any basic agricultural commodity to be made after July 1, 1937 except pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act as amended by this Act . $an Cotto Cotton Act (Cotton Control

AMeNDMENTS TO BANKHEAD COTTON ACT Act), amendments . o.48,p.699. P o st, p . 1106

SEC. 39 . (a) Section 2 and the first sentence of section 3 (a) of the . Period of applicabil- Act entitled "An Act to place the cotton industry on a sound com- ity of Act ; cotton gin- ning tax. mercial basis, to prevent unfair competition and practices in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and foreign commerce, to pro- vide funds for paying additional benefits under the Agricultural Ad- justment Act, and for other purposes ", approved April 21, 1934, as amended, are amended by inserting after the phrase " the crop year 1935 -193 6 ", wherever suc h phrase appea rs, the phrase " o r t h e crop year 1936-1937 or the crop year 1937-1938 " .