Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/916

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 701, 739. AUGUST 26,2T, 1935 .

871 withou t regard to the C lassification Act of 1923, as amen ded, com- munica tion services, st enoraphic and oth er services by co ntract if deemed necessary without' regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (LT . S . C ., title 41, sec. 5) ; travel expenses, local transporta- tion, hire of motor-pro pelled passenger- carrying vehicles , rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, printing and binding, en- tertainment, official cards, purchase of newspapers and periodicals, nec essa ry bo oks and docu ments , st atio nery, mem bers hip badge s, a nd such other expenses as may be actually and n ecessarily incurr ed by the Government of the United States by reason of observance of appropriat e courtesies in c onnection therewi th, and such othe r ex- penses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, including the re imbursemen t of othe r appropri ations fro m which p ayments have been made for any purposes herein specified, for the fiscal year 1936, to remain available until June 30, 1937 . Approved, August 26, 1935 . [CHAPTER 739 .1 R .S,sec.3709,p.733; U.S. C., p. 1803. Reimbur sing other appro priat ions . AN ACT To amend section 10A of the Federal Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906,

[liAugsst 19 o 4.1 as amended . [Public, c , No. o. 346 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at section 10A Pure F ood Act, of the Act entitled "An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, a via34 p. 771; Vol. or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or 4su . 2 0 4, amend ed. deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes ", approved June 30, 1906, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 10A . The Secretary of Agriculture, upon application of any foInspection of sea packer of any sea food for shipment or sale within the jurisdiction Assignment of in- of this Act, may, at his discretion designate inspectors to examine spec tors to examine i

methods, materials, and inspect su ch food and the production, packing, and labeling ao,, in . sea -food pro- th er eo f . If on suc h examination and inspection comp liance is found P ost, p. 1454 . with the provi sions of this Act and regulations promulgated there - under, the applicant shall be authorized or required to mark the food a s provided by reg ulation to show s uch compliance . S erv ic es un de r Pa yment for servi ces . this section shall be rendered only upon payment by the applicant of fees fixed by regulation in such amounts as m ay be necessary t o provide, equip, and maintain an adequate and efficient inspection service. Receipts from such fees shall be covered into the Treasury Use of receipts . and shall be available to the Secretary of Agriculture for expendi- t ures incur red in carr ying out th e pur poses of t his se ction , inc luding expenditures for salaries of additional inspectors when necessary to supplement the number of inspectors for whose salaries Congress has apps opria.ted . The Secretary is hereby authorized to promulgate to be it ary, etc ., rules regulations governing the sanitary and other conditions under which the service herein provided shall be granted and maintained, and for o therw ise c arryin g out the purpos es of this sect ion . Any person who iabisetc. erfeiting f orges, counterfei ts, simulates, or falsely represen ts, or without proper authority uses any mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identi- fication devices authorized or required by the provisions of this sec- tion or regulations thereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, Punishment for. and s hall on convictio n thereof be subj ect to imprisonme nt for not m ore than one year or a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000, or both such imprisonment and fine ." Approved, August 27, 1935 .