Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/982

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74Trr CONGRE SS . SESS. I. CH. 779. AUGUST 27 .1935 .

937 The provisions of this act shall not affect the discharge from temaof afP c t e d e the outfall pipes of the Passaic Valley sewerage system into the waters of New York Harbor : Provided, however, That said dis- Precise . Conformity with ex . charge shall be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the isting stipulation . s tipula tion e ntered into on Apr il fou rteent h, one thous and ni ne hundred and ten, between the United States of America and Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners . ARTICLE XIII 1 . Terms used in this compact are defined as follows :

Definitions . " District " means the area more particularly described in article "District ." II of this compact . " Commission " means the Interstate Sanitation Commission .

"Commission ." "Municipality" means any city, incorporated village, borough, , Munic ipality-" county, town, township, district, or any municipality governed by an improvement commission, any joint sewer commission, or any other subdivision of any one of the signatory States located within the district . "Rule or regulation" means any rule or regulation established "Rule or regulation ." by the commission not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States or of any signatory State, promulgated by the com- mission touching the abatement of pollution of the waters of the district . " Tidal waters" means all those waters which ebb and flow "Tidal waters." within the designated district . " Dissolved oxygen " is the gaseous oxygen held in solution by "Dissolv ed oxygen . " the water at any given time . It is expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount of oxygen that would be required to saturate the water under the existing conditions of temperature and salinity . "Pollution" is any foreign matter which renders waters unfit "Pollution ." to sustai n fish life and un satisf actory for b athing . " Sewage effluent " means the treated sewage discharged from a "Sewage effluent ." tre atment plant . " Suspended solids " means those solid particles carried in sus- "Suspended solids." pension in the untreated sewage or sewage effluent . " Entity " means any organization or association owning, con- "Entity ." trolling, or operating a sewerage system or treatment plant within a municipality . ARTI CLE XIV 1 . The signa tory States agree to ap propri ate an nually for t he Payment of salaries salaries and office and other administrative expenses such sum or and expenses . sums as shall be recommended by the commission and approved by the Governors of the signatory States, the State of New York and the State of New Jersey agreeing each to appropriate 45 per centum thereof, and the State of Connecticut agreeing to appro- priate 10 per centum thereof . The State of New York and the State of New Jersey obligate themselves hereunder, however, only to the extent of $15,000 each in any one year, and the State of Connecticut obligates itself hereunder only to the extent of $3,333 .34 in any one year. ARTI CLE XV 1 . Should any part of this compact be held to be contrary to v1Soparability of pro- the consti tution of an y sign atory State or of the Un ited S tates, all othe r seve rable object s of t his co mpact shall contin ue to be in full force and effect .