Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1037

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-NOR'VAY October 6, 1934. • November 9, 1934. 3053 the evidence produced. The en- forcement of this rule shall not prejudice any legal proceedings to which such fraudulent evi- dence may have rendered the claimant liable. 10. 'Vhen an insured article has been lost, rifled, or damaged, the Administration of 0 rig i n shall pay indemnity to the right- ful claimant as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which pay- ment shall be made on account of the Administration of destina- tion, if that Administration is responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage, and has been duly notified. 11. However, the Administra- tion of origin may, in the cases indicated in the foregoing sec- tion, exceptionally defer payment of indemnity for a longer period than that stipulated if, at the ex- piration of that period, it has not been able to determine the dispo- sition made of the article in ques- tion or the responsibility in- curred. 12. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptionally deferred as provided in the foregoing section, the country of origin is author- ised to pay indemnity on behalf of the country of destination if that country has, after being duly informed of the application for indemnity, let nine months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obliO'at.ion of paying the indemnity ihall rest with the country to which the mailing office is subordinate. That coun- try can make a claim on the coun- try responsible, that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, rifling, or dam- age took place. 14. The country responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whose account payment is made is bound to repay to the country making payment on its noget som heIst rettslig skritt som sadant svikaktig forhold matte gjS'ire be rettiget overfor den som krever erstatning. 10 N,· rd'pakk 0 tt Administration of . !lrenve 1 e er ga origin to pay indem. tapt, bhtt plyndret eller skadet, nily within one year. skal utgangspostverket hetale er- statning til rettighetshaveren sa snart som mulig og senest innen et tidsrum av ett ar regnet fra dagen efter den dag kravet er fremsatt; erstatningen skal utbe- tales for regning av adresselan- dets postverk, safremt dette post- verk er ansvarlig for tapet, plyn- dringen eller skadcn og er blitt tilbS'irlig underrrettet. 11. I de tilfelle som er anfS'irt i Deferred payment. foregaende paragraf kan dog utgangslandets postverk und- tagelsesvis utsette med betalingen av erstatning i et lengere tidsrum enn fastsatt, safremt det ved ut- ls}pet a v fristen ikke hal' vrert mulig a fastsla vedkommende sendmgs skjebne eller a avgjS'ire ansvarsspS'irsmaIet. 12. Undtagen i tilfelle hvor Country: of origin b1· . may pay If country of eta Ingen undtagelsesvIs er ut- destination delays nine satt saledes som omhandlet i months. f'0 oregaende paragraf, har ut- gangslandet rett til a utbetale erstatning pa vegne av adresse- landet, hvis dette land, efter a vrere tilb~rlig underrettet om erstatningskra\'et, har latt ga hen ni manedcr uten a ordne saken. 13. Forpliktelsen til a betale Country respon.<ihle. erstatningen pahviler det land hv0I'U n der utgangspoststedet h¢rer. Dette land kan fremsette krav overfor det ansvarlige land, det viI si, mot det postverk pa hvis territorium clIer i hvis tje- neste tapet, plyndringen cUer skaden hal' funnet sted. 14. Det land som er ansvarliO' RepBpnent to {'oun- • b try paymg. for tapet, plyndrmgen eller skaden og for hvis regnin~ ut- beta ling cr foretatt, er forpliktet til a refundere det utbetalte er-