Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1115

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EXTRADITION TREATY-LATVIA. OCTOBER 10, 1934. 3131 Supplementary &tradition Treaty between the United States of America __ October 10,1934. and Latt'ia. S1~gned at lVashington, October 10, 1934; ratification adl-ised by the Senate, February 6, 1935; ratified by the President of the "Cnited States, February 14, 1935; ratified by Latt-ia, February 15, 1935; rat'ijications exchanged at Riga, March 29, 1935; proclaimed, April 10, 1935. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLA1-1ATION WHEREAS a Supplementary Extradition Treaty between the United tr~tro~m~r~~7 wrtt States of America and the Republic of Latvia was concluded and LTarmstroBot (talk):inble. signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at 'Vashington on the tenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, the original of which Supplementary Treaty, being in the English language, is word for word as follows: The United States of America and the Republic of Latvia, being Contracting Powers. desirous of enlarging the list of crimes on account of which extradition may be {,,>'Tanted under the Treaty concluded between the two countries on October 16, 1923, with a view to tho better administration of justice Vol. 43, p. 1738. and the prevention of crime within their respective territories and jurisdictions, have resolved to conclude a supplementary treaty for this purpose and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries, to wit: Plenipotentiaries. The President of the United States of America; Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America; and The President of the Republic of Latvia; :Mr. Arturs Lule, Consul Genernl of Latvia in New· York, 'Vho, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers. which were found to be in duo and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles: AUTICLE I Tho followinO' crimes arc added to the list of crimes numbered .\d'lition to extradit- M uhle en tI1P" 1 to 24 in Article II of the said Treaty of October 16, 1923, on accoun t Vol, 4:;, pi" 1':;"-173~. of which extradition may be granted, that is to say: 25. Crimes against the bankruptcy laws. ARTICLE II Crinws !\g'1iust hank· rtll'l('Y law,;, The present Treaty shall be considered as an integml part of the 1':J~'i'\I::e(! p'!rt (If 'dEl"T fOb 'd \. "1 II f 1 I Sal ~xtra( 1tlOn reaty 0 cto er 16, 1923, an 1. rtlc e 0 t wast \" 01, 4:1, p. 1739. mentioned Treaty shall be read as if the list of crimes therein con- tained had orif,'i.nal1y comprised the ndclitional crime specified and numbered 25 in the first article of the present Treaty. ARTICLI:; III The present Treaty shall be ratified by the High Contru.ctillg Parties . Exchan!!c of ratifiea' in accordance with their respective constitutional mcthods, and shall tlt~:l~l>cti\'C date. take effect on the date of the cxchange of ratifications, which shall take at Riga as soon as possible.