Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1325

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PARCEL POST CO~YENTIOX-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7, 30, 1935. 3341 tue, ainsi que toutes les sommes qui doivent revenir a une ou plusieurs autres Administrations lllteressees. ARTICLE 25. REEXPEDlTION DES COLIS EN FAUSSE DIRECTION. Les colis ordinaires envoyes en fausse direction sont reexpedies sur leur destination par la voie la plus directe dont dIspose l'Ad- ministration qui les a rec~ms par erreur. Cette Administration ne peut frapper ces colis de droits de douane ou d'autres taxes quel- conques. Les colis assures reQus en fausse direction ne sont reexpedies que s'lls peuvent ~tre reexpedies com- me colis assures. Si cette condi- tion n'est pas rem plie , ces colis Bont renvoyes a l'origine. Lorsque Ie reacheminement comporte Ie retour du colis au bureau d'origine, l'Administra- tion qui efi'ectue la retransmission rembourse a ce bureau les credits re~us et signale l'erreur par bulle- tin de verification. Lorsque Ie reacheminement com porte l'expedition d'un colis Bur un tiers pays et que la somme creditee a l'Administration efi'ec- tuant la retransmission ne suffit pas a couvrir les frais de celle-ci, la dite Administration recupere Ie montant de l'insuffisance par reprise sur Ie bureau d'echange dont elle a directement re~u Ie colis en fausse direction. Le motif de cette recuperat.ion est signaIe a ce dernicr bureau par un Bulletin de verification. ARTICLE 26. INTERDICTION DE PERCEVOIR DES TAXES POSTALES AUTRES QUE CELLES QUI SONT PRESCRITES. Les colis auxquels s'applique la prcsente Convention ne seront soumis A aucune taxe postale autre que celles qui sont prevues dans les difi'erents articles de la dite Convention. performed, as well as all the amounts which must be credited to one or more other Administra- tions concerned. ARTICLE 25. FORWARDING OF MISSENT PARCELS. Missen t ordinary parcels are forwarded to their destination by the most direct route at the dis- posal of the Administration which has received them through error. That Administration may not charge such parcels with customs duties or any other charges. Insured parcels received mis- sent are not forwarded unless they can be forwarded as inRured parcels. If that condition is not fulfilled, such parcels are returned to origin. When the reforwarding involves the return of the parcel to the office of origin, the Administra- tion which effects the retrans- mission refunds to that office the credits received and points out the error by a bulletin of verifi- cation. When the reforwarding involves the dispatch of a parcel to a third country, and if the SUlll credited to the Administr&tion effecting the retransmission is not sufficient to cover the expenses of the latter, the said Administration recovers the amount of the insufficiency by debiting the exchange office from which it has directly re- ceived the missent parcel. The reason for such recovery is pointed out to the latter office by a bulletin of verification. ARTICI,E 26. PROHIBITION AGAINST COLLECTING POSTAL CHARGES OTHER THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED. Forwarding of Illis- sen t parcels. Ordinary. Insured. The parcels to which the pres- (".'Il('l'tin~oth('rtlH1n ent Convention applies will not l're . ..;cnl.ed dtar{"" . be subject to any postal charges other than those which are pro- vided for in the different Articles of the said Convention.