Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1333

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PARCEL POST CO~VE~TION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7, 30, 1935. Fait en double exemplaire et signe a Paris, Ie 7me jour de decembre 1935 et a 'Vashington Ie 30me jour de decembre 1935. GEORGES MANDEL Le Ministre des Postes, Teligraphes et Teliphones de France. Done in duplicate and signed at Paris, the 7tb day of December 1935, and at Washington, the 30 tb day of December 1935. JAMES A FARLEY The Postmaster General oj the United States oj America. [SEAL] Signatures. 3349 The foregoing Convention between the United States of America P;~:d:~tV81 h)7 the and :France for the exchange of parcels by parcel post has been nego- . tiated and concluded with my advice and consent and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States 00 be hereunto affixed. [SEAL] FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT By the President. CORDELL HULL Secretary oj State. WASHINGTON, January 9, 1936.