Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1657

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SHIP MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES-POLAND. 3663 b h . dS ../A . dl. d .January 17, March Agreement etween t e Unite tates 0.1 an Po and ~n regar 14, and April 22, 11130 . to mutual recognition of ship measurement certificates. Effected by October 6, 111M. exchange of notes, signed January 17, March 1J,., and Aprif22, 1930, and October 5, 1934; effective April 22, 1930. The Polish Ambassador (Filipowicz) to the Secretary of State (Stim80n) No. 1635/29 SIR: JANUARY 17, 1930. I have been instructed b"l' my Government desirous of negotiating ProP?S'l1 of Poland " , ~ respectu;g mutual ree- with the Government of the United States an agreement relative to OI(nition of s!Iip mea· surement certificates. the tonnage measurement of ships, to present for your consideration translations of the following documents: 1 Decree of the President of the Republic of Poland of May 17th, 1927, relating to the tonnage measurement of ships Decree of the Minister of Industry and Commerce of November 24th, 1927 Regulations as to the tonnage measurement of ships, as well as copies of Polish certificates of tonnage. In doing so, I have the honor to ask you, Mr. Secretary, to take cognizance of the attached documents and to inform me subsequently, if it be your pleasure to have representatives of the Department of State enter into negotiations with representatives of this Legation with a view to negotiating, on the basis of the attached documents, an agreement which would assure that certificates of tonnage of vessels of either High Contracting Party be reciprocally accepted as establishing the ships' tonnage in respect to levying of harbor duties and taxes. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Enclosures: Translations of documents referred to above. The Honorable HENRY L. STIMSON, Secretary of State. 1 Not printed. T. FILIPOWICZ