Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1658

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3664 SHIP MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES-POLAND. The Acting Be(J1'etary of Stale (Cotton) to the Poli8h Ambassador (Filip01l'icz) EXCELLENCY : DEPARTMENT OF STATE, lVasMngton, March 14, 19JO. Agreementbyt:'nited I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's note No. 1635/29 of States. January 17, 1930, enclosing copies of documents relating to the ton- nage measurement of ships. The regulations of Poland on this subject have been found to be substantially the same as those of the United States. Accordingly, I have the honor to inform you that, in consideration of a like courtesy being extended to vessels of the United States in Polish ports, the appropriate agency of this Government will recog- nize the tonnage noted in the certificates of registry or other national papers carried by Polish vessels, determined pursuant to the decrees and r~gulations transmitted with your note of January 17, 1930, as fulfilling the requirements in regard to measurement under the laws and regulations of the United States, and that it will not be necessary for vessels of Poland to be remeasurecl at any port of the United States. I shall be glad to be informed when appropriate steps under I>olish laws or regulations have been taken to give effect to a recipro- cal exemption in favor of vessels of the United States. This Government considers that the existence of the arrangement between the two countries on this subject may appropriately be evidenced by this note and Your Excellency's reply thereto. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. His Excellency Mr. TYTUS FILIPOWICZ, Ambassador of Poland. J. P . COTTON Acting Secreta,ry of State. The. Polish Ambassador (Filipowicz) to the Acting Secn'tar!! of State (Cotton) No. 1030/30 APRIL 22, 1930. SIR: Recognition by }'o- I have the honor to refer to your note of Ma,rch 14th, 1930, with land. wliieh you confinn the receipt of my note of January 17, 1930, and inform me that Poland's regulations on the subject of tonnage measurements of vessels having been found to be substantially the same as those of the United States, the appropriate agency of the United States Government, in con~ideration of a like courtesy bt'ing extended to vessels of the United Statps in Polish ports. will recog- nize the tonnage noted ill the certifil'atl~::i of regi::itry or other national