Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1660

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3666 SHIP MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES-POLAND. l Enclosure] "Monito'r Polski" Nr. 167 z dnia :22 Upca 19301'. poz. 254 Tllf' Polish Monitor No. 167 of July 22,1930, p08. 254 OBWIESZCZENIE Ministra Przemyslu i Handlu z dnia 10 lipca 1930 r. w sprawie uznawania przez pol- skie wladze marynarki handlowej swiadectw pomiarowych statkow handlowych Stanow Zjednoczo- nych Ameryki Polnocnej. Podaje si~ do wiadomoSci, ie, zgodnie z porozumienicm, zawar- tem pomi~dzy RZl}-dem Polskim a RZl}-dem Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Polnocnej drog~l wy- miany not, a mianowicie noty RZQdu Polskiego z dnia 17 sty- ('znia 1930 r. i noty RZl}du Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Polnoc- nej z dnia 4 [14] marca 1930 r. -polskie wladze marynarki han- dlowej uznajq. swiadectwa pomia- rowe morskich statkow handlo- wych Stanow Zjednoczonych Ameryki Polnof'nej narowni ze swiadectwami polskiemi. PROCLAMATION of the Minister of Industry alld Commerce of July 10, 1930 in the matter of recognizing by Polish merchant marine authori- ties of tonnage measurement cer- tificates of merchant vessels of the United States of North America. Be it known that, in accord- nnce with the agreement, con- cluded between the Polish Gov- ernment and the Government of the United States of North America by way of an exchange of notes, to wit the note of the Polish Government dated Janu- ary 17, 1930, and the note of the Government of the United States dated March 4 [14], 1930,-the Polish merchant marine authori- ties recognize the tonnage meas- urement certificates of the sea- going merchant vessels of the United States of North America equally with Polish certificates. Mini8ter Przemyslu i Handlu: Minister of Indu.rdry and Commerce: (-) E. KWIATKOWSKI. I herewith certify that the original and the translation are sub- stantially in agreement. Washington, D. C., October 5, 1934. [No. 71] Z. KLIMl'EL Secretary of EmbfMsy.