Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1661

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RADIO COMMUNICATIOXS, AMATEUR STATIONS-CHILE. 3667 Arrangement between the "Cnited States oj America and Chile concern- August2and 17,1934, ing radio communication.'! between amateur stations on behalf oj third parties. Effected by exchange of note~, signed 2 and 17, 1934; e.tftct;ce August 17, 1934. Th~' American AJnba~8ador (Sevier) to the Ohilian MhdJJtel' for Foreign Affair."! ( Toom'nal) Xu. 1~7. EXCELLENCY: E~lBASSY m' THE L XITEI> STATES OF AMERICA, Santiago, Au.gUJJt g, 1934. In view of the important serviees rendered by amateurs in the Arrangeme~t "ilh ChIle concernmg ama- clevelopment of radio eommunicatioll and the desirability of liberal- L 'urradiostation:;, izing the restrictions dealing with such amateurs, I have the honor to confirm to Your Excellency the terms of the following under- standing between our respective governments, as provided for in Article 8 of the Radio Regulations annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention of Madrid, 1932: Amat('ur radio stations of Chile and of the United States may interchange messages on behalf of third parties, provided that such messages shall be of the character that would not normally be sent by any existing means of electrical communication or except for the availability of the amateur stations, and on which no compensation must be directly or indirectly paid. This arrangement shall apply to the United States and its terri- tories and possessions including Alaska, the Hawaiin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Panama Canal [Zon('] and the Philippine Islands. This arrangement shall be subject to termination by either gov- erlunent on sixty days' notice to the other government, by further arrangement between the two governments dealing with the same suLject, or by the enactment of legislation in either rountry inconsistent therewith. It is understood that the aboye stated arrang('ment will be effec- tive on the date of the receipt of a note from the Chilean Go,'- ernment stating its urceptance thereof. I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterat(' to Your Excellency the assuran('('s of my higlwst and most distinguish('(l consideration. HAL SEYlER His Excellpncy Senor don )!IGVEL CRt:'ClJAGA T .. Mini.ytN for FOJ'tign Affair8. Santiago.