Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1673

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COMMERCIAL RELATIONS-CZECHOSLOVAKIA. 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a limitation of the right of either country to impose on such terms as it may see fit prohibitions or restrictions (l) relating to public security; (2) imposed on moral or humanitarian grounds; (3) designed to protect human, animal, or plant life; (4) relating to prison-made goods; (5) relating to the enforcement of police or revenue laws; or (6) relating to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, munitions, or implements of war, and, in exceptional circumstances, all other military supplies. 6. The present Agreement shall become operative on the first day of 1'Iay, 1935, and shall continue in force until superseded by a more comprehensive trade agreement or by a definitive treaty of commerce and navigation, or until denounced by either country by advance notice of not less than thirty days. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consid- eration. No. 1165/35 His Excellency, Dr. FERDINAND VEVERKA Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ozechoslovakia. The Honorable SECRETARY OF STATE, Washington, D. O . [No. 74]