Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1716

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3722 Prohibited areas. AIR NAYIGATIOX-GHEAT BIUTAIX while so proceeding from one aerodrome to another, will, notwith- standing that both such aerodromes aTe points between which air commerce has been reserved, be entitled to the treatment set out ill this Note. 9. (i) Air traffic may be prohibited over specified areas in the territories to which this Note applies, but no distinction will be mnde in this matter between British and United States aircraft engaged in international commerce. Lists of the areas above which air trn.ffic is thus prohibited will be communicated to the Government of the United States, and any subsequent alterations therein will be notified immediately.'cncy rest ric- (ii) In exceptional circumstances air traffic above the whole or any lions, etc. part of the territories to which this Note applies may temporarily, and with immediate effect, be limited or prohibited, but no distinction in this respect will be made between United States aircraft and the aircraft of any country not being part of the territories under His ~1ajesty's Sovereignty, suzerainty, protection or a,uthority. Aircraft over i'fU- (iii) In the event of any United States aircraft finding itself over hibited area. a prohibited area, it must, so soon as it is aware of the fact, give the signal of distress prescribed in the Rules of the Air in force in the territory in which the prohibited area is situated, and a landing must be effected as soon as possible at an aerodrome in that territory, outside but as near as possible to the prohibited area. Distinctive marks, 10. (i) All United States aircraft flying in or over the territories etc. to which this Note applies must carry clear and visible nationality and registration marks whereby they may be recognised during flight. Certificates require,1. (ii) Such aircraft must also be provided with certificates of regis- tration and airworthiness and with all the other documents prescribed for air traffic in the territories in which they are registered. Crews with sperLll (iii) The members of the crew of such aircraft who perform duties permit. for which a special permit is required in the territories in which the aircraft is registered, must be provided with aU the documents, and in particular with the certificates and licences, presClibed by the regulations in force in those territories. Papers Ct'rried h- (iv) The other members of the crew must carry documents sho\\wQ crew members. I 'IlSSl'!l' _ gers, pte. their duties in the aircraft, their profession, identity and nationality. Ante, p. 3i~l. (v) The crews and passengers of United States aircraft entering or leaving any of the territories to which this Note applies must be provided with the documents required by the regulations concerning international traffic in force in that territory, n list of which documents will be communicated under paragraph 5 of this Note. t'l;:'_' l!i'ler, manifest, ("i) Such aircraft carrying passengers or goods must also be pro- vided with a list of the passengers' names and a manifest of the goods showing their nature and quantity. n:tTarmstroBot (talk) 18:49, 19 November 2014 (UTC)UTarmstroBot (talk)t~~ c!esi,,- (vii) The certificate of airworthiness, certificates of competency, and licences issued or l'endered valid in respect of a United States aircraft or its crew by the competent United States authorities will be