Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1717

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AIR NAVIGATION-GREAT BRITAIN. recognised as having the same validity in the territories to which this Note applies as the corresponding documents issued or rendered valid by the competent authorities of those territories; provided that recognition may be refused as regards certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid in favour of British subjects or British protected persons. 3723 11. (i) United States aircraft may, in or over the territories to Radi') to he jj,'{'n .- ed. which this Note applies carry wireless apparatus only if a licence to instal and work such apparatus (which licence must be carried in the aircraft) has been issued by the competent authorities of the terri- tories in which the aircraft is registered. The use of such apparatus in the territories to which this Note applies must be in accordance with the regulations on the subject issued by the competent authorities of those territories. (ii) Such apparatus may only be used by those members of the lic!:~ limited to crew who are provided with a special licence for the purpose, issued by the competent authorities of the territories in which the aircraft is registered. (iii) For reasons of safety the competent authorities of the terri- (Jt~,~c~:~\.eqllipml'nt tories to which this Note applies may issue regulations relative to . . the obligatory equipment of aircraft with wireless apparatus wh£'n in or over those territories. 12 No a.rms of wa.r explosives of war or munitions of war may be TransportingwarmB- ., tenals I,y aIrcraft re- carried by United States aircraft in or above any of the territories to stril'ted. which this Note applies, or by the crew or passengers, except by per- mission of the competent authorities of the territories concerned. 13. It will be open to the competent authorities of the territories Hight of se,. rcil. to which this Note applies to search United States aircraft on landing or departure and to examine the certificates and other documents prescribed in the preceding paragraphs. 14. (i) United States aircraft entering or leaving any territory to I.andjll~s. He. which this Note applies may only land at or depart from aerodromes open to public air traffic and classed as customs aerodromes at which facilities exist for the enforcement of customs, passport, quarantine and immigration regulations and the clearance of aircraft; and no unauthorised intermediate landing other than a forced landing, may be effected before arriving at such an aerodrome on entry into, or after leaving it on departure from the territory concerned. In special cases, and subject to the same provision as to intermediate landing, the competent authorities may allow landing at or departure from other aerodromes, at which the above-mentioned facilities have been arranged. (ii) In the event of a forced landing or of a landing as provided in FOf('{ ' ,j landiD~~. paragraph 9 (iii) not at an aerodrome of the class mentioned in the preceding sub-paragraph, the pilot of the aircraft, its crew and pas- sengers must conform to the customs, passport, quarantine and immi- gration regulations in force in the territory in which the landing occurs.