Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1718

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3724 Customs aerodromes. Points of departure. AIR NAVIGATION-GREAT BRITAIN. (iii) Lists of the aerodromes in the territories to which this Note applies which are classed as Customs aerodromes for the purposes of this paragraph will be communicated as soon as possible to t.he Government of the United States. Any subsequent alterations in these lists will be notified forthwith. 15. The competent authorities of the territory concerned may require that United States aircraft, on entering or leaving any terri- tory to which this Note applies, shall do so between. specified points. Any requirements in this respect and any subsequent alterations therein will be communicated to the Government of the United States. Subject to any such requirement and to the provisions of this Note, aircraft may choose their own route of entry or departure. Unloading restric· 16. No article or substance, other than ballast, may be unloaded tlons. or otherwise discharged from United States aircraft in the course of flight in or over the territories to which this Note applies unless special permission to that effect is given by the competent authorities of the territory in which the unloading or discharge occurs. For the purposes of this paragraph ballast means fine sand or water only. Provision for ex· 17. (i) His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom may at tending area. any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United States apply the provisions of this Note to all or any British colonies, overseas territories or protectorates or to any mandated territories in respect of which the mandate is exercised by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, other than those specified in the schedule to this Note. Such application shall take effect two calendar months after the date of the receipt of the notification. Termination of appli· (ii) His Ma]'esty's Government in the United Kingdom may cation to any British territory. subsequently give notice in 'writing to the Government of the United States of the termination of the application of this Note to any t.erri- tory to which it has become applicable by notification under the preceding sub-paragraph. In that event such application shall ccase two calendar months after the date of the receipt of thc notification. Termination of agree, 18. His Ma]'esty's Government in the United Kingdom may ter- ment. minate the arrangements set out in this Note at any time by menDS of a Notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United States to take effect two calendar months after the date of its receipt. 19. I shall be glad if you will inform me whether the Government of the United States concur in the terms of this Note and are willing to grant reciprocal treatment in respect of British aircraft, registered in territories to which this Note applies, their cr~ws, passengers aud cargoes. I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, The Honourable CORDELL HULL, R. C . LINDSAY Secretary oj State oj the United States, lrashington. D. C .