Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1725

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PILOT LICENSES, CIVIL ~\IRCRAFT-GREAT BRITAIN. 3731 Arrangement bet~ceen tlte Fnited Staies of America and Great Britain _March 28, 1935. .' ,-/'f t Z' . '1' .-/ EVldbh '\pril 5 1\135 1Tl re"'pectoJ In olcen~estooperateCtl'1 mrcraJt. 'wecie yeu ange - . . of notes, signed J.Uarch ;?8 aud .ilpriI5, 1935; e~ffecti'l'e, }'lay 5,1935. The British Ambassador (Lindsay) to the Secretary of State (Hull) No. 78. Sm, BRITISH EMBASSY, lVashington, D. O. }.larch 28th, 1935. I have the honour under instructions from His :MaJ' esty 's Principal H~dpnx'Ul arrange- , lIlcnt wIth Oreat Bnt- Secretary of Stato for l!""oreiO'n Affairs to state that His 1\laJ' esty 's ain in respect of p!l~t 0' IIrenses to operate cIvil Goyernment in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern aircraft. Ireland are prepared, in consideration of reciprocal treatment by the Government of the United States of America, to accord to United States nationals as defined below the follo'W-ing treatment in respect of air pilots' licences:- 2. (i) The territories in which the treatment specified in the sub- Terms. sequent paragraphs of this Note will be accorded (hereinafter referred to as the territories to which this Note applies) are: the United King- dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the territories speci- fied in the schedule hereto, together with any territories to which the provisions of this Note may at any time be applicable by virtue of paragraph 4. (ii) The term "air pilots' licences" as used in this Note means pilot licences for the piloting of civil aircraft. (iii) For the purposes of this Note the term "United States nationals" means all citizens of the United States of America and other persons owing allegiance thereto belonging to any territory under the sovereignty, jurisdiction or authority of the United States to which your reply to this Note shall apply. 3. In the territories to which this Note applies air pilots' licences will be issued to United States nationals upon the same conditions as they are issued to British subjects and British protected persons, and such licences will entitle United States nationals to the same rights and privileges in the matter of air pilotage as British subjects. 4. (i) His 1\lajesty's Government in the United Kingdom may at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Govern- ment of the United States apply the provisions of this Note to all or any British colonies, overseas territories or protectorates or to any mandated territories in respect of which the mandate is exercised by His Majesty's Goyernment in the United Kingdom, other than those specified in the schedule to this Note. Such application shall take effect two calendar months after the date of the receipt of the notification. (ii) His 1\lajesty's Government in the United Kingdom may sub- sequently give notice in writing to the Government of the United lO·HlHIO-;W-! 'T 11---107