Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1726

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3732 Schedule. PILOT LICENSES, CIVIL AIRCRAFT-GREAT BRIT.\IN. States of the termination of the application of this Note to any ter- ritory to which it has become applicable by notification under the preceding sub-paragraph. In that event such application shall cease two calendar months after the date of the receipt of the notification. 5. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom may ter- minate the arrangements set out in this Note at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United States to take eflect two calendar months after the date of its receipt. 6. I shall be glad if you ",ill inform me whether the Government of the United States concur in the terms of this Note, and are willing to grant reciprocal treatment to British subjects and British protected persons belonging to territories to which this Note applies. I have the honour to be ",ith the highest consideration Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, The Honourable CORDELL HULL, R. C. LINDSAY. Secretary oj State oj the [Tm'ted States, lrashington, D. C. [Enclosure] SCHEDULE Newfoundland, including Labrador Bahamas Barbados Bermuda British Guiana British Honduras Ceylon Cyprus Falkland Islands and Dependencies Fiji Gambia (Colony and Protectorate) Gibraltar Gold Coast- (a) Colony, (b) Ashanti, (c) Northern Territories, (d) Togoland under British :Maudate. Hong Kong Jamaica (including Turks and Cnicos Islands and the Cayman Islands.) Kenya (Colony and Protectorate) Leeward Islands- Antigua. Dominica. ~Iontserrat. St. Christopher and Nevis. Virgin Islands.