Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1733

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-HAITI. MARCH 28,1935. 3739 or in connection with importa- tion, in excess of those imposed or required to be imposed by laws of the Republic of Haiti in effect on the day of the signature of this Agreement. Whenever the budget of ex- penditures of the Republic of Haiti for any fiscal year is pro- DlUlgated in the amount of Gourdes 40,000,000 or more, articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States of America, enumerated and de- scribed under items numbered 11033,12011, and 13007 in Sched- ule I of this Agreement, shall, on their importation during such fiscal year into the Republic of Haiti, be exempt from ordinary customs duties In excess of those set forth in the said Schedule; and on and after the day of the sig- nature of this Agreement, they shall be exempt, on their importa- tion into the Republic of Haiti, from all duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those imposed or re- quired to be imposed by laws of the Republic of Haiti in effect on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE II Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic of Haiti, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement and made a part thereof, shall, on their importa- tion into the United States of America, be exempt from ordi- nary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Sched- ule, and from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges, or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those imposed or required to be im- posed by laws of the United States of America in effect on the day of the signature of this Agreement. As long as the quota provisions of the Act" to include sugar beets and sugar cane us basic agricul- tural commodities under the Agri- ou y relatifs, excedant ceux eta- blis ou a etablir par les lois de Is Republique d'Haiti en vigueur au jour de Is signature de cette Convention. Lorsque Ie budget des depenses de Ia Republique d'Haiti pour n'importe queUe annee fisc ale aura eM promulgue au montant de 40.000.000 de gourdes ou plus, les articles d'origine, de produc- tion ou de fabrication des Etats- Unis d'Amerique enumeres et decrits aux paragraphes nume- rotes 11033, 12011 et 13007 dans Ia Liste I de cette Convention, a leur importation au cours d'une teIle annee fiscale dans Ia Repu- blique d'Haiti, seront exempts des drOlts de douane ordinaires ex- cedant ceux fixes dans Ia dite Liste; mais a partir du jour de Ia signature de cette Convention, ils serollt exempts, a leur im- portation dans la Republique d'Haiti, de tous droits, taxes, impots, obligations ou contribu- tions, etablis a I'importation ou y relatifs, excedant ceux etablis ou a etablir par les lois de Is Repu- blique d'Haiti en vigueur au jour de Ia signature de cette Con- vention. ARTICLE II Les articles d 'origine de pro- Specified imports duction ou de fabrication de Is en/lll Haiti. Republique d 'Haiti, enumeres et decrits dans Ia Liste II annexee }'I1.- I. p. 3752. a cette Convention et en faisant partie, seront exempts a leur im- portation aux Etats-Unis d'Ame- ri<J.ue des droits de douane ordi- nalres excedant ceux enonces dans la dite Liste, et de tous autres droits, taxes, impots, obligations ou contributions etablis a l'im- portation ou y relatirs, excedant ceux etablis ou a etablir par les lois des Etats-Unis d'Amerique en vigueur Ie jour de la signature de cette Convention. Aussi longtemps que Ies stipu- Surar beet quota llltions relatives au contingente- pr~.TarmstroBot (talk)lTarmstroBot (talk).p. 1m. ment de Ia loi it tendant a com- prendre les sucres de betterayc et