Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1877

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. or higher, or to any rules or for- malities other or more burden- some, than those to which the like products of any third country are or may hereafter be subject. Similarly, natural or manu- factured products exported from the territory of the enited States of America or the Republic of Colombia and consigned to the territory of the other country shall ill no case be subject with respect to exportation and in regard to the above mentioned matters to any duties, taxes or charges other or higher, or to any rules or formalities other or more burdensome, than those to which the like products when consigned to the territory of any third country are or may here- after be subjed. Anv advantage, favor, privi- lege or immunity which has been or may hereafter be granted by t.he United States of America or the Republic of Colombia in re- gard to the above mentioned mat- ters to a natural or manufactured product originating in any third country or consigned to the ter- ritory of any third country shall be accorded immediately and without compensation to the like product originating in or con- signed to the territory of the Republic of Colombia or the United Statl's of America, re- spectively. Neither the United States of America nor the Republic of Colombia shall establish any pro- hibition or maintain any restric- tion on imports from the territory of the other country which is not applied to the importation of any like article Origmat~ng in any third country. Any abolition of an import prohibitio. or restric- tion which may be granted even temporarily by the United States of America or the Republic of C010mbia in favor of an article of impuesto 0 gravamen distinto 0 mayor, ni a ninguna regIa 0 formalidad distinta 0 mas onerosa, que aquellos a que estan 0 lleguen despues a estar sujetos los productos analogos de cllal- qllier tercer pais. Iguaimente, los productos na- turales 0 manufactllrados que se e:xporten del territorio de ]os Esta- dos Unidos de America 0 de 10. Republica de Colombia, consig- nados al territorio del otro pais, no podran en ningun caso en 10 tocante a 10. exportacion y en 10 tocante a los asuntos arriba men- eionados, estar sujetos a ninglin derecho, impuesto 0 gravamen distinto 0 mayor, ni a ninguna regIa 0 formalidad distinta 0 mas onerosa, que aquellos a que estan o lleguen despues a estar sujetos los productos aFlalogos consig- nados 0.1 territorio de cnalquier tercer pais. Toda ventaja, favor, privilegio o inmunidad q ne los Estados Unidos de America 010. Republica de Colombia hubiere yo. concedido o en adelante concediere, con respecto a los asuntos arriba mencionados, a algun producto natural 0 manufacturado ori- ginario de cualquier tercer pais, 0 consignado al territorio de cual- quier tercer pais, se concedera inmediatamente y sin compen- saci6n 0.1 producto analogo ori- ginario del territorio de 10. Re- publica de Colombia 0 de los Estados Unidos de America, res- pectivamente, 0 eonsignado a tal tel'ritorio. Ni los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica ni la Republica de Colombia podran establecer prohibicion 81- guna ni mantener restricci6n 0.1- guna sobre las importaciones pro- cedentes del territorio del otro pais, que no se apliquen a 10. im- portaeion de articulos similares originarios de cualq llier tercer pais. Toda derogaeion de cual- quier prohibicion 0 restricci6n de importaeion que los Estados Uni- dos de America 0 10. Republica de Colombia concedan, aunque sea 3883