Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1878

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3884 RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. a third eountry shall be applied immediately and uneonditionally to the like article origina ting in the territory of the Republic of Colombia or the United States of America, rcspeetiwly. . Rations or quotas. In the event of rations or quotas being established by the United St.ates of America or the Republic of Colombia for the importation of any artiele other- wise restricted. or prohibited, it is agreed, that in the allocation of the quantity of restricted goods whieh may be authorized for importation, a share will be granted to the Republic of Colom- bia or the United States of Amer- ica, respectively, equivalent to the proportion of the trade in such article which it enjoyed in a previous representative five year period or such other previous representative period as may be agreed upon by the Governments of the two countries. The provisions of the two pre- ceding paragraphs shall not be construed to authorize the United States of America or the Republic of Colombia to establish any pro- hibition or maintain any restric- tion on articles the growth, prod- uce or manufacture of the other country ,with respect to which obligations have been assumed Ante, pp. 387i, 3880 . undf'r Artirles II or I, respec- tively, of this Agreement, other than such prohibitions and restrictions as are expressly authorized by the provisions of Artiele V. ~d\'antages ac:corded N cvert.heless the advantages adjacent co:mtrlcs, 'ltc. ' • now accorded or wluch may h('re- after be accorded by the t"nitrd States of America or the Republic of Colombia to adjacent coun- tries in order to facilitate frontier traffic and advantages resulting from a customs union to which either country may b('come a party shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreenwnt, and, except us otherwise provided temporalmente, en favor de aIglin articulo de un tercer pais, se apli- cara inmediata e incondieional- mente a1 articulo similar origina- rio d('1 territori 0 de la Republica de Colombia 0 de los Estados t:'nidos de America, respectiva- mente . En el easo de que los Estados Unidos de America 0 la Republica de Colombia establecieren eupos o cuotas para la importaci6n de algun articulo ya en otm forma restringido 0 prohibido, queda convenido que en la asignaci6n de las cantidades de mercancias res- tringidas cuya importaci6n se autorice, se concedera a la Re- publica de Colombia 0 a los Estados Unidos de America, respectivamente, una participa- ci6n equivalente a la proporci6n del comercio en dicho articulo de que haya gozado en un quinquenio anterior !fpieo 0 en cualquier otro periodo tipico anterior en que convengan los Gobiernos de los dos paises. Las estipulaciones de los dos incisos precedentes no se intcrpre- taran como autorizllei6n a los Estados Unidos de America ni a la Rep(lblica de Colombia para ('stablecer prohibici6n alguna 0 mantener restricci6n alguna, dis- tintas de las prohibieiones 0 rcstricciones expresamente autori- zadas por d Articulo V de este ('l)nYenio, respcdo a articulos 0 productos naturales 0 manufuc- t urados del otro pais, n prop6sito de los cuules se han asumido obligac·ioncs en yirtud de Jos Articulos II 0 I, respectiytUnentl', de este conn'nio. No obstante, lUR Yl'lltajns uc- tnalmente conccdidas 0 que dl's- pues 10 fuerl'1l por los Estados Unidos de America 0 por In Republica de Colombia a pni~ws udvacentes ('on d fin de facilitnr ('1 ~trMi('o ;>n las fronternE, y Ins Y('ntajas fl'sultant('s de una union udunnC'ra de que cuulquiera de los dos puises se hiciero parte, se c>xeeptllur:in de los ef('ctos de este ('ollYenio, ;", salY~ ]0 displU'sto ('n