Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1883

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. nate the Agreement upon the ex- piration of the aforesaid term, the Agreement shall remain in force thereafter until six months from such time as the Government of either country shall have given notire to the other Government, or unless terminated in accord- ance with the provisions of Article V. In witness whereof the re- spective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement and have affixed their seals hereto. Done in duplicate, in the Eng- lish and Spanish languag('s, both authcntic, at the City of \Y ash- ington, this thirteenth day of S('ptember 1935. CORDELL IIULL de poner fin al convenio al expirar tal termino, el convenio per- manecera vigente de ahi en ade- lante hasta cuando se cumpi an seis meses despues d('l dia en que el Gobierno de cualquiera de los dos paises diere tal aviso al Go- bierno del otro, 0 salvo que se termine de acuerdo con las dispo- siciones del Articulo V. En fe de 10 cuallos respectivos plenipotenciarios firmall y sdlan el presente convenio. Hecho en duplicado en los idiomas ingles y espanol, que se consid('raran ambos autentieos, PH la ciudad de 'Vashington PI dia trece de seti('mhre de 1935. }vIIGUEL L6PEZ PU}lAREJO [SEAL] [SEAL] 3889 .1me. p. 3880. Signature~.