Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1912

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3918 RECIPROCAI. TRADE-S'VITZEHLAXD. the purposes set forth in this section; and the proclaimed duties and other import restrictions shall be in effect from and after such time as is specified in the proclamation. The President may at any time terminate any such proclamation in whole or in part." tr~d~.motion olforeign 'WHEREAS I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have found as a fact that certain existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and Swit- zerland are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of . the United States of America and that the purpose declared in the 4s;;\tf: p. 70s; vol. said Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the said Act of June 12, 1934, will be promoted by a foreign trade agreement between the enited Notice givl'n. States of America and the Swiss Federal Council; WHEREAS reasonable public notice of the intention to negotiate such foreign trade agreement was given and the views presented by persons interested in the negotiation of such agreement were received and considered; Trade agreement VTHEREAS, after seeking and obtaining information and advice entered into. 'l Purposes declared, with respect thereto from the United States Tariff Commission, the Departments of State, Agriculture, and Commerce, and from other sources, I entered into a foreign Trade Agreement on January 9, 1936, through my duly empowered Plenipotentiary, with the Swiss Federal Council, through their duly empowered Plenipotentiary, which Agreement, including two Schedules and a Declaration annexed thereto, in the English and French languages, is in words and figures as follows: The President of the United States of America and the Swi~s Federal Council, being desirous of facilitating and extending the commercial relations existing be- tween the United States of America and' Switzerland by granting mutual and reciprocal concessions and advantages for the promotion of trade, have through their respective Plenipo- tentiaries arrived at the follow- ing Agreement: ARTICLE I Le President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Ie Conseil federal suisse, desir~ux de faciliter et d'etendre les relations commer- eiales existant entre les Etats- Unis d'Amerique et la Suisse, en s'accordant reciproquement des concessions et avantages mutuels en vue de deveiopper leurs echanges eommerciaux, ont con- clu, par l'intermediaire de leurs PMnipotentiaires respeetifs, l'ac- cord suivant: ARTICLE I in~n~~r[:.:TarmstroBot (talk):rw.;:~ Articles the growth, produce or tTnited States. manufacture of the Umted States of America enumerated and de- Les articles, produits naturals ou manufactures des Etats-Unis d'Amerique enumeres et designes dans Ia liste I partie A annexee au present accord n'acquitteront P'lS, lors de leur importation dans Ie territoire douamer suisse, des droits de douane normaux plus cleves que ceux specifies dans Ia dite partie. Les articles en ques- tion seront egalement exemptes de tous Qutres droits, taxes, emo- luments, frais ou contributions, perc;us sur ou concernant les importations, plus eleves que ceux per~us Ie jour de Ia signature Po"t. p, a930. scribed in Section A of Schedule I annexed to this Agreement shall, on their importation into the cus- toms territory of Switzerland, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth No excess duties, etc. in the said Section. The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importa- tion, in excess of those imposed on the day of the signature of