Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1913

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-S'VITZERLAND. 3919 this Agreement or required to be imposed thereafter under laws of Switzerland in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. With respect to articles enu- merated and described in Section B of Schedule I for which import quotas are specified in the said Section, the quantities of such articles originating in the United States of America which shall be permitted to be imported annu- ally into the customs territory of Switzerland, beginning with the day on which this Agreement comes into force, shall not be less than those specified in the said Section. ARTICLE II Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of Switzerland enu- merated and described in Sched- ule II annexed to this Agreement shall, on their importation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth and provided for in the said Schedule. The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in con- nection with importation, in ex- cess of those imposed on the day of the signature of this Agreement or required to be imposed there- after under laws of the United States of America in force on the day of the signature of this Agree- ment. ARTICLE III The provisions of Articles I and II of this Agreement shall not pre- vent the Government of either country from imposing at any time on the importation of any article a charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed in respect of a like domestic article or in respect of a commodity from which the imported article has been manu- faetured or produced in whole or in part. ARTICLE IV Schedules I and II annexed to this Agreement, the notes in- cluded in them, and the Declara- du present accord ou qui, a teneur des lois suisses en vigueur Ie jour de la signature de cet accord, doiyent ~tre per«;us apres cette date. En ce qui concerne les articles Specified enumeres et designes dans la quotllS. partie B de la liste I pour lesquels des contingents d'importation sont specifies dans la dite partie, les quantiles annuelles des dits articles originaires des Etats-Unis d'Amerique dont l'importation dans Ie territoire douanier suisse sera permise, a partir du jour de I'entree en vigueur du present accord, ne seront pas inferieures a celles specifiees dans In dite partie. ARTICLE II import Les articles produits naturels Speclf.ied imports , • from SWItzerland. ou manufactures de SUlsse enu- IWt , p. 3936. meres et designes dans la liste II annexee au present accord n'ac- quitteront pas, lors de leur impor- tation aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, des droits de douane normaux plus eleves que ceux specifies et preyus dans la dite lis teo Les articles en question seront No excess duties. etc. egalement exemples de tous au- tres droits, taxes, emoluments, frais ou contributions, per«;us sur ou concernant les importations, plus eleves que ceux per~ms Ie jour de la signature du present accord Ou qui, a teneur des loi~ americaines en yigueur Ie jour de la signature de cet accord, doiyent ~tre per«;us apres cette date. ARTICLE III Les dispositions des articles I et II du present accord n'em- pecheront pas Ie Gouvernernent de l'un ou l'autre des deux pays d'etablir, a un moment quel- conque, a l'importation d'un article quelconque, un droit equiyalent a une taxe interne frappant un produit national simi- laire ou une marchandise ayant servi a la production ou a In fabrication, en tout ou partie, de Harticle importe. ARTICLE IY Internal taxation. L Ii t I t II annex ""es au Schedules. note~. anti es ses e.. .e Declaration wnsi<iere,j present accord, aIllS1 que les notes inte~ral parts of A~'Tee- inserees dans les dites listes et la menl.