Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1948

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3954 RECIPROCAL TRADE-S"TITZERLAND. Declara t ion. DECLARATIO~ Sllpprp""i<ll~ Or,mll~' With a view to cooperating with the Government of the United gling or watches, etc. States of America in its efforts to suppress the smuggling of watches and watch movements, the Government of Switzerland will establish and maintain with the collaboration of the appropriate organizations of the Swiss Watch Industry, the following system of regulation of the exportation of watches and watch movements from Switzerland to the United States: 1. Watches and watch movements other than those purchased at retail may not be exported from Switzerland to the United States except under export permits issued by a Swiss watch organization to be designated by the Government of Switzer- land. Such permits shall be viseed by the Swiss Customs Authorities when the shipments are exported from Switzerland and shall be delivered to the appropriate American Consulate in Switzerland. The export permit shall be substantially in the form attached hereto. 2. 'Watches and watch movements destined for the United States shall be exported through the Swiss Custom House at the place or places to be designated by the Swiss Customs Author- ities, for direct shipment to the United States. 3. Watches and watch movements exported from Switzerland to the United States shall be permanently marked with a dis- tinguishing mark distinct for each importer in the United States. Current lists of such marks, and the names and addresses of the persons to whom allocn.ted, shall be furnished by the Swiss Government to the American Legation at Bern. However, such mark shall not be required in the case of watches or watch mOH'- ments which are or may hereafter be permitted to be legally imported into the United States without marking. 4. The appropriate organizations of the Swiss "'atcIt Industry will til ke such measures as are necessary to insure: (a) that their members keep regular accounts, periodically audited, and that they furnish complete information to a central organization in Switzerland regarding their exports of watches and watch movements to the United States, in particular, the dates, quantities and values of their shipments, the style of their products, the names of the suppliers of the exported articles, and the llames of the importers in the United t'·tutes; and (b~ that infringements of this system of regulation of exports are punished in accordance with the conventions of the Swiss Watch Industry; it being understood that one of the penalties to be imposed shall be the tempomry or permanent refusal of export permits for future shipments to the United States. 5. Upon request through the appropriate channels, the Swiss watch organization which is designated by the Government of Switzerland for the issuance of export permits will furnish infor- mation to the American Customs Authorities regarding the smuggling or suspected smuggling into the United States of watches and watch movements.