Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1971

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-CANADA. SCHEDULE II (See Article IV) United States Tariff Act or 1930 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 1 2 11 29 52 71 201 (8.) 203 203 203 207 209 214 NOTE: The provisions of this Schedule shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this Schedule shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this Schedule appeared respectively in the paragraph of the Tariff Act of 1930 or the section of the Revenue Act of 1932 noted in the column at the left of the respective descriptions of articles. In the case of articles enumerated in this Schedule, which are subject on the day of the signature of this Agreement to additional or separate ordinary customs duties, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision noted in column at the left of the respective description of the article, such separate or additional duties shall continue in force, subject to any reduction indicated in this Schedule or hereafter provided for, until terminated in accordance with law, but shall not be increased. Acetic acid containing by weight more than 65 per centum of acetic acid lX¢ per lb. Vinyl acetate, polymerized or unpolymerized, and synthetic resins made in chief value therefrom, not specially provided for 3¢ per lb. and 15% ad val. Synthetic resins made in chief value from vinyl acetate, not specially provided for 3¢ per lb. and 15% ad val. Cobalt oxide 10¢ per lb. Sperm oil, crude 2h¢ per gal. Acetylene black, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, and not specially provided for 15% ad val. Fire brick, not specially provided for 15% ad val. Limestone (not suitable for use as monumental or building stone), crude, or crushed but not pulver- ized Lime, not specially provided for Hydrated lime Crude feldspar Talc, steatite or soapstone: Ground, washed, powdered, or pulverized (except toilet prepara- tions), valued at not over $12.50 per ton Dead-burned basic refractory material containing 6 per centum or more of lime and consisting chiefly of magnesia and lime NOTE: The existing customs classification treat- ment of the merchandise described in this item as provided for in paragraph 214, Tariff Act of 1930, in accordance with the ruling announced in Treasury Decision 45041 (60 Treasury Decisions 114) shall be continued during the effective period of this Agreement. 2%¢ per 100 lbs. 7¢ per 100 lbs., in- cluding the weight of the container. 8¢ per 100 lbs., in- cluding the weight of the container. 35¢ per ton 25% ad val. 27~% ad val. 3977 Schedule II. ARk. p. ~OO2.