Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1972

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3978 RECIPROCAL TRADE-C .ANADA. 8chedule II-Contin- SCHEDULE· II-Continued ued. United States Tariff Act of 1\130 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 302 (d) Ferromanganese containing not less than four per centum of carbon, on the metallic manganese contained therein %¢ per lb., pIllS 1~ times the lowest rate of ordinary customs duty pro- vided for man- p;anese ore con- taining in excess of 10 per centum of metallic man- ganese the prod- uct of any foreign country except Cuha, at the time such ferromanga- nese is entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption; but not more than 1%t per pound. 302 (i) 302 (m) 353 401 402 412 503 701 Ferrosilicon, containing 8 per centum or more of silicon and less than 30 per centum Ferrotitanium, ferrovanadium, and ferrouranium Cooking stow'S and ranges, haying as an essential feature an electrical heating element, and parts thereof; any of the foregoing, finished or un- finished, wholly or in chief value of metal, and 17f¢ per lh. on the silicon contained therein. 15% ad val. not specially provided for 25% ad val. Timber hewn, sided, or squared, otherwise than by sawing, and round timber used for '"<pars or in building wharves; sawed lumber and timber not specially provided for; all the foregoing, if of fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch Provided, That any of the fOl'cgoing sawed timber and lumher of Douglas fir or "-estern hemlock entered, or withdrawn from ware- house, for consumption, ill any calendar year after 1935 in excess of arl aggregate quan1 ity of 250,000,000 feet, board measure, shall not be subject to this provision. 50¢ per thousand feet. board meas- ure. Maple (except Japanese maple), j)irch, and l){'el'h: Flooring 4%ad \'a1. Ice-hockey sticks, wholly or in dtief value of wood Maple sugar Cattle, weighinl!: less than 175 pounds each Cattle, weighing 700 pounds or more l·uch and 20% ad yal. 4¢ per lb. l%¢ per Ill. not specially provided for 2¢ per lh. Cows, weighing 700 pounds or more euch nmi imported specially for dnir~' purpORes ]~~¢ perlh. Provided, That none of the fore!{oing entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for COIIi'IIInp- tion in excess of the quantities rt'spectiwly specified below in any calendar year nfter 1935 shall be suhject to the ahove provisions: Cattle, weighing less than li5 pounds (',>eh: ~~ of 1 per centum of the ayerage annual total number of ('tittle (including caiH's1 slaughtered in the rnited States during the