Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1994

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4000 RECIPROCAL TRADE-GUATEMAL.\ . Adjustment of repre- sentations. Former Agreerr:ent supplanted. Effective Jate. Duration. States of America or the Republic of Guatemala, respectively, may see fit respect to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, munitions, or implements of war, and, in exceptional cir- cumstances, of all other military supplies. ARTICLE XV In the event that the United States of America or the Republic of Guatemala adopts any meas- ure which, even though it does not conflict with the terms of this Agreement, is considered by the Government of the other country to have the effect of nullifymg or impau'ing any object of the Agreement, the Govern- ment of the country which has a.dopted any such measure shall consider such representations and p:-oposals as the Government of the other country may make with a view to effecting a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the m&tter. ARTICLE XVI The present Agreement shall, from the date on which it comes intc force, supplant the Agree- ment between the United States of America and the Republ~c of Guatemala, effected by exchange of notes signed on August 14, 1924. ARTICLE XVII The present Agreement shall come into force on the thirtieth day following {>roclamation there- of by the PreSIdent of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Republic of Guate- mala, or should the proclamations be issued on different days, on the thirtieth day following the date of the later in time of such pr'lclamations, and shall remain in force for the term of three years thereafter, unless terminated pur- Ante, pp. 3992, aoc;;, suant to the provisions of Article 3997. VI, Article IX or Article XII. The Government of each country shall notify the Government of the other country of the date of its proclamation. Guatemala 0 los Estados Gnidos de America respectivamente ha- lIen oportunas para controlar Ill. exportaci6n 0 10, vento, para exportaci6n de armas, municiones o implementos de guerra, y, en circunstancias excepcionales, de todo otro material de guerra. ARTICULO XV En caso de que 10, Republica de Guatemala 0 los Estados Unidos de America adopten cualquier medida que, aunque sin contrade- cir los terminos de este Convenio, se considere por el Gobierno del otro pais como nulificando 0 perjudicando cualquiera de los objetos del Convenio, el Gobierno del pais que 10, haya adoptado considerara las rerresentacioncs y propuestas que e Gobierno del otro pais pueda hacer con Ill. mira de efectuar un arreglo mutua- mente satisfactorio del asunto. ARTICULO XVI EI presente Convenio, desde Ill. fecha de Stl entrada en vigor, sustituira el que mediante cambio de notas efectuaron 10. Republica de Guatemala y los Estados Unidos de America el14 de agosto de 1924. AHTICULO XVII El presente Convenio entrara en vigor a los treinta dins de su promulgaci6n por los Presidentes de 10. Republica de Guatemala y de los Estados Unidos de America, 0, si las promdgaciones se hide- ren en dias diferentes, a los treinta dias de Ill. fecha de 10. ultima pro- mulgaci6n; y estars. vigente du- rante el termino de tres anos, 8 menos que antes se hubiere termi- nado en virtud de las estipula. ciones de los Articulos VI, IX 0 XII. Cada uno de los Gobiernos notificara 0.1 otro 18 feeha de promulgaci6n.