Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/371

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 2387 ARMS AND OTHER WAR MUNITIONS (S. Con. Res. , No. 37.) June 3, 1936. Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), That forty-four thousand copies of {»art 3 and subsequent parts of m!!mS::d other war Senate Report Numbered 944, subnutted to the Senate pursuant to Addi~iOJial copies of SR206 h··th . t tf .al . Senate Report 944 con- . es. aut onzmg e appOin men 0 a speC! coIIlIIllttee to cernlng, ordered make certain investigations concerning the manufacture and sale of printed. arms and other war munitions, be printed for the use of the Senate Special Cqp1mittee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry. Passed, June 3, 1936. June 3, 1036. INVESTIGATION OF EXPENDITURES FOR COTTON COOPERATIVES, ETC . [8. Con. Res. , No. 39.) Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), That in accordance with paragraph 3 of se<'tion 2 of the Printing In,:estigatlon of ex- • ' •• pendltures for cotton Act approved March 1, 1907, the Comlll1ttee on AppropriatlOns of cooperatives. etc. hS b d·hb dh . d h Additional copies t e enate e, an IS ere y, empowere to ave prmte two t ou- of hearings ordered sand additional copies of the hearings held before the subcommittee Pri:O~4 P 1012 of said committee of the Senate during the first session of the Seventy- u. s . c., p. 19:i1. fourth Congress, pursuant to the resolution (S. Res. 185) authorizing the Committee on Appropriations to conduct an investigation of the ~xpenditures bl.: the l?ederal Government for the cotton cooperatives and so forth. rhese two thousand copies are to be divided as follows: One thousand five hundred copies of volume numbered 1 and five hundred copies of volume numbered 2. Passed, June 3, 1936. June Ii. 19311. Ilf. Con. Res., No. 53 .) Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring) That, when the two Houses adl'ourn on Monday, June 8, 1936, they frRecess J of C?lngrJess F:ECESS OF CONGHESS .• •• om une II untl une stand adJourned until 12:00 o'c ock mendmn Monday, June 15, 1936. lli,l936. Passed, June 5, 1936. SIGNING ENUOLLED BILI_S, ETC . Jane ~. 1936. [II. ( "un. Hes .• No. 54.) Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), That notwithstanding any recesses of the Senate or House of Repre- EnroUed bills or joint ,. hd' fh d' fhSe resolutIOns. sentatives or t ea lournment 0 t e secon seSSlOn 0 t e venty- Signing of, during fourth Congress, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the =: :~t~~z::l~urn- House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, authorized to sign , any enrolled bills or joint resolutions duly passed by the two Houses and which have been examined by the Committee on Enrolled Bills of each House and found truly enrolled. Passed, June 5, 1936. OLD AGE PENSION PLANS INVESTIGATION Resolved by the lIou8e oj Representatiu.<; (the Senate concurring), That there shall be printed for the use of the Select Committee of Old!lgepensionplans hH fR . . d . . . Old A in\"estllQltion. te ouse0 epresentatlves appomte to mqmre mto ge Deslgn~ted re port I>ension Plans and Organizations not to exceed two hundred thou- ~rge:r1:~~i:~~f~:: sand additional copies of House Report Numbered 1, Seventy-fifth ordered printed. Congress; and that, in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of ro~ ~~ Pp Iy~~ the l>rinting Act, approved March 1, 1907, the aforesaid committee .... . I. be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to have printed for its use ten thousand additional copies of the hearings held before said