Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/523

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TELECOMMUNICATIO~ CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2. exchanged all radiotelegrams originating in or destined to the mobile stations which are within their range and have signaled their presence before the effective cessation of work. [444] (3) The service of aeronautical stations shall be con- tinuous during the entire period of flight in the sector or sectors of the course or courses for which the station in question carries on the radio service. B. SHIP STATIONS 2539 [44.5] § 3. (1) For the international service of public correspondence, Ship~tations. ship stations shall be classified into three categories according to the internal regulations of the administration to which they are subject, as follows: [446] stations of the first category: these stations shall carryon a continuous senice; [44i] stations of the second category: these stations shall carryon 0. service of limited duration, 8S outlined in subparagraph (2) below; [448] stations of the third category: these stations shall carryon 0. service of a more limited duration than that of the stations of the second category, or a service the duration of which is not detemlined by these Regulations. [449] (2) (a) Ship stations classified in the second category must carry on their service at least during the period assigned to them in appendix 4. This period shall be mentioned in the license. {'.'>O] (b) In the case of short crossings, they shall carry on the service during the hours determined by the administration to which they belong. [451] (3) In certain cases, the service hours of stations on ships of the third category may be mentioned in the nomenclature. [4S2] (4) As a general rule, when a coast station has traffic on hand for a station on a ship of the third category not having fixed listening hours and which is presumed to be within the range of the coast station, the latter shall call the ship station during the first half- hour of the first and third listening periods of ship stations of the second category carrying on an 8-hour service in accordance with the Post, p. 2 '>(1[, provisions of appendix 4. [453] § 4. (1) The provisions of § 2 (2) of this article shall apply strictly to ship stations with regard to the distress service, and, so far as possible, in conformity with the spirit of the contents of item 2 of the said subparagraph. [4M] (2) It shall devolve upon each of the contracting govern- ments to insure the efficiency of the service in the ship stations of its nationality by requiring in these stations the presence of the necessary number of operators, taking into account its internal regulations on the subject.