Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/547

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. [646] (b) In the other regions, for the maritime radio- beacons, the waves of the band 285 to 315 kc (1,053 to 952 m) and, for the aeronautical radiobeacons, the waves taken from the band 194 to 365 kc (1,546 to 822 m). [647] (c) In addition, in Europe, Africa, Asia, the direc- tional radiobeacons (maritime and aeronautical) may use the waves of the bands 1,500 to 1,630 kc (200 to 184 m) and l,fiiO to 3,500 kc (1 i9.G to 85.71 m) under the conditions set forth in § 20 of article 7. [648] (d) The use of type-B waves shall be prohibited for radiobeacons proper. [649) (3) Other stations notified as radiobeacons shall use their normal frequency and their normal type of emission. [~50] § 14. Signals sent by radiobeacons must permit of exact and accurate observations; they must be chosen in such a way as to eliminate all doubt when the question arises of distinguishing among them two or more radiobeacons. [551] § 15. The administrations which have organized a radiobeacon service accept no responsibility for the consequences of inexact bearings obtained by means of the radiobeacons of that service. [562] § 16. (1) The administrations shall notify, for insertion in the nomenclature of stations operating special services, the character- istics of each radiobeacon proper, and of each station designated to operate as a radiobeacon, including, if necessary, indications of the sectors in which bearings are normally reliable. [653J (2) Any modification or irregularity of operation occur- ring in the radiobeacon service must be published without delay; if the modification or irregularity of operation is of a permanent nature, it must be reported to the Bureau of the Union. ARTICLE 31 International Radio Consulting Committee (C.O.I .R .) 2563 • • •• International Rudio [654] § 1. An IntematIOnal RadIO Consultmg CommIttee (C.C.I.R.) Consulting COlllmit· shall be charged with the study of technical radio questions and those tee. of which the solution depends principally upon considerations of a technical character, which shall be submitted to it by the adminis- trations and radio operating companies. (S55J § 2. (1) It shall be formed of experts of the administrations and radio operating companies or groups of radio operating companies recognized by their respective governments, which state their desire to participate in its work and undertake to contribute, in equal shares, to the common expenses of its meetings. The statement shall be addressed to the administration of the country in which the last administrative conference was held. [566] (2) International organizatIOns interested in radio studies, who shall have been designated by the last plenipotentiary or admin- istrative conference, and who undertake to contribute to the expenses of the meetings, as indicated in the preceding subparagraph, shall also be admitted.